Posts Tagged ‘Alternative Economic Strategy’

Video: How to change the post-crash economy

by Newsdesk.

Hosted at the RSA by the Centre for Labour and Social Studies (Class) and Verso books, an expert panel including Costas Lapavitsas – professor of economics at SOAS, Paul Mason, Culture and Digital editor, Channel 4 News; Mariana Mazzucato, RM Phillips professor in the Economics of Innovation at Sussex University; and Seumas Milne, Guardian columnist […]

Time for the low inequality, high performance alternative from Labour

by Bryan Gould.

There is no novelty is arguing, as George Osborne does, that there is no alternative to his destructive and divisive policies of austerity – TINA was, after all, the Thatcherite catch-cry and as misleading in her day as it is today. But it is surely stretching credulity too far to suggest, as John Harris did […]

Benneconomics – a tribute

by Andrew Fisher.

I got to know Tony Benn well when I worked as a researcher to the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs in the mid-2000s. I’d first met him when he was about to stand down from Parliament “to devote more time to politics“, a promise which he fulfilled. He filled venues around the country with […]

Why public investment is falling

by Michael Burke.

The level of public investment is falling in most of the advanced industrialised economies including Britain. The chart below appeared in the Financial Times and has attracted some publicity because it shows this decline in the US in stark terms.

Attlee and Thatcher transformed Britain. Ed Miliband is next in line

by Ken Livingstone.

Out of every great crisis comes some recognition that the old order has failed. As a result there is an opportunity to create an entirely new way of doing things. For most people alive in Britain today the two prime ministers who radically altered British society were Clement Attlee and Margaret Thatcher. One remade Britain […]

Roll back the State? No – We must roll back Austerity

by Katy Clark.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer was recently heralding a 0.8 per cent increase in gross domestic product as a recovery. Growth of any amount should not be attacked in the context of the longest recession since the Victorian era. However growth of this level is pitiful, and no sign that the government’s policies are working or that […]

Report of Class Conference 2013

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

What is it about train journeys to and from London that are so tiring? No matter. Your humble scribe made the trek down the track for the first annual conference of the Centre for Labour And Social Studies. That’s Class to you and me. And, as you might expect, there was a smorgasbord of left, trade union […]

Breadline Britain needs alternatives to austerity

by Cat Smith.

October is traditionally the time of year we collect for harvest festivals. Now the message going out from many churches and community groups is to collect for local food banks. It is indeed a sign of the times. The boom in food banks has been well documented by many writers in Tribune and other publications. […]

Unions show Labour how to win

by Ben Folley.

With less than twenty months to go before the general election this week’s TUC helped Labour focus public attention on the damage being wrought by the Tory – Lib Dem coalition. Unions spent their week at TUC Congress directing their fire against the government, concentrating on the issues of wide public concern; living standards, wages, […]

Review: The State We Need by Michael Meacher

by Patrick Diamond.

The State We Need: Keys to the Renaissance of Britain by Michael Meacher can be ordered here at £14 including postage Michael Meacher has produced a readable and thought-provoking volume which raises a host of issues that ought to be widely debated and aired on the radical left of centre in British politics. The book […]

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