Posts Tagged ‘Anti-Globalisation’

The mainstream press speaks out in support of Occupy Wall St

by Jon Lansman.

Although “the standard rightwing putdown of the Occupy Wall Street movement” to which David Osler refers are widespread, there is also encouraging statements of support or at least demands for attention in newspapers our rulers take seriously. The Financial Times and the New York Times to name but two.

#OccupyLSX: yes, but what are they advocating instead?

by David Osler.

Yes, but what are they advocating instead? That question is rapidly becoming the standard rightwing putdown of the Occupy Wall Street movement and the similar demonstrations it has inspired elsewhere, now including London’s #occupylsx. Hacks penning hatchet jobs on this one have two ways into the story. One option is to start by stressing widespread sympathy […]

Anti-capitalism is now firmly on the march

by Michael Meacher.

Two episodes of potentially enormous significance are now beginning to converge. The first, like a slow-burning fuse, is the spontaneous grass-roots anti-globalisation, anti-capitalism movement which has been smouldering for several years and is now gathering force sparked worldwide by austerity measures for the masses while the bankers and financial elite ride out the depression unscathed. […]

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