Posts Tagged ‘Corruption’

This election should be about ridding Britain of the stench of corruption

by Michael Meacher.

It is incredible how the reports of corruption in Britain are now going from bad to worse almost every single day. HSBC’s original lame excuse for the massive tax evasion engineered by its Swiss bank in Geneva was that it was previously run on a ‘federated’ basis so that central controls were much looser. Yet […]

MPs and second-jobbing

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

Didn’t they do well? Malcolm Rifkind and Jack Straw have done a blinder dragging Parliament’s reputation through the muck yet again. Fair play to The Telegraph too, who teamed up with C4 Dispatches to complete the sting. Fortuitous timing too, this has helped push the paper’s recent difficulties down the memory hole. Yet Rifkind and […]

Jack Straw is “mortified” to have been caught but completely lacking in remorse

by Jon Lansman.

A couple of terms in student politics after Uni, local councillor before that was even over, another couple of years doing something outside politics, candidate in an unwinnable seat, few years as a SpAd, couple of years in the media and then into parliament. He was a model for so many New Labour wannabes to come. […]

Why isn’t HSBC being prosecuted?

by Michael Meacher.

The differential treatment between those low-paid workers who fraudulently claim benefits and those top bank executives who launder hundreds of millions of pounds for drug cartels or pariah states tells you all you need to know about the class basis of justice in the UK. A person claiming benefits while working can get up to […]

HSBC is out of control and should be broken up

by Michael Meacher.

The lesson of the HSBC debacle is not merely that tax evaders must be hunted down much more relentlessly, but that in its present form it’s ungovernable. It’s no good saying HSBC was run in a ‘federated way’, but now management has been tightened up (is anybody really taken in by that anyway?). We were […]

The detritus of neoliberal capitalism

by Michael Meacher.

The HSBC Swiss bank is not an isolated episode. It is part of a general pattern exposing the underlying ideology which has been globally dominant over the last three decades. That ideology has been about consolidating the power and wealth of the world’s richest class, particularly in the West. It is based around the idea […]

HSBC: Ministers who lie or refuse to tell the truth should be made to strand down

by Michael Meacher.

The lies, mis-statements and blatant evasions over the HSBC Swiss bank are beginning to build up. We were initially told that no Minister had any knowledge of wrongdoing at HSBC Suisse until this last week. This has now been contradicted by several different sources. Lin Homer, the besieged and rather ineffective head of HMRC, told […]

Why are US, France & Belgium starting prosecution against HSBC but not the UK?

by Michael Meacher.

The evidence of wrongdoing published this week against HSBC Suisse is so overwhelming that formal investigation prior to prosecution might seem a foregone conclusion. It is indeed already happening in the US, France, Belgium, Spain, even Argentina. But not in the UK, even though HSBC is a British bank. So why the reluctance of the […]

Downing Street, bankers and tax dodgers close ranks over HSBC Swiss bank leaks

by Michael Meacher.

The revelations of greed and cynical immorality, with the ex-clergyman Lord Green topping the bill, keep pouring out of this HSBC Swiss bank scandal, one of the biggest of the last few decades since this is probably only the tip of the iceberg on bank wrongdoing in this no-holds-barred era of crooked capitalism. The facts […]

How we should get tougher on the tax cheats

by Michael Meacher.

The revelations in the Guardian, BBC Panorama and elsewhere are truly staggering. It shows how a HSBC-owned private bank in Switzerland actively colluded with hyper-rich clients to enable them to avoid EU taxes, to conceal undeclared ‘black’ accounts from their domestic tax authorities, to help them withdraw bricks of cash in foreign currencies so as to launder […]

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