Posts Tagged ‘David Cameron’

Cameron hoist by his own petard

by Newsdesk.

Labour’s excellent new campaign ad. David Cameron explains why David Cameron should stop running scared from the TV debates. In his own words.

Tsipras versus Cameron: people versus bankers

by Michael Burke.

David Cameron became the first elected politician in Europe to criticise the election of the Syriza government in Greece and was quickly followed by George Osborne. This might seem odd as Britain is outside the Eurozone and has limited direct influence over its policies. But the urgent and unrestrained nature of the criticism is very revealing about what is at […]

The Tory drive to self-destruction

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

The Tory party is a peculiar beast. On the one hand, it’s adept at getting the wealthy to part with their cash by open and less transparent methods. And all this money bankrolls a machine that has been and will continue to flood the key marginals with glossy, high production value literature. The troops are […]

Tories buy election

by Michael Meacher.

Democracy is a great system, except that those in power do their uttermost to subvert it, circumvent it, and twist it to their own ends, and quite often succeed. Take the current state of play between the parties in Britain. In March this year the Electoral Commission recommended there should be no increase in spending […]

David Cameron is a serial exploiter of his dead son for political purposes

by Jon Lansman.

It’s past the time, we think, to move on from attacking well-meaning left-wing Islingtonians. Instead, let’s turn the spotlight on nasty attacks by right -wing political commentators. Step up Richard Littlejohn yesterday in the Daily Mail where he generalises the attack from Emily Thornberry via Jack Monroe (aka A Girl called Jack) to all of us: “The […]

Cameron tries to blame foreigners for UK ‘recovery’ fizzling out

by Michael Meacher.

It’s a bit rich for Cameron, in his statement yesterday from Brisbane, blaming the world out there, particularly the eurozone, for the fading UK recovery when those countries are pursuing almost exactly the same economic policies as he is. That is relentless and unending austerity, which he conspicuously failed even to mention. Now that the […]

Cameron v Miliband: it’s about policies not personalities

by Michael Meacher.

Cameron at least has one special skill – to hold together an ungovernable party which is irrevocably split. He does not appear to have an ultimate belief in anything – only to sustain his own position and his party at whatever cost to the country at large. That explains his early embrace of driving an […]

The Tory party’s 15% strategy

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

Thankfully conference speeches don’t win general elections. There is no denying that Dave’s final performance at the Tory party’s annual gathering was masterful. It oozed the prime ministerial, that much exalted but seldom-attained quality. His speech was passionate, confident, coherent. Apart from an untimely Freudian (“… these are the people we resent“), Dave acted the […]

Cameron isn’t telling the truth on the NHS any more than Osborne on the economy

by Michael Meacher.

Cameron’s closing speech to the Tory conference centred on trying to reassure the electorate that the NHS was safe in Tory hands. But the evidence he produced to justify this proved the opposite. He promised to protect the NHS in real terms for the next 5 years from 2015 to 2020, the same as he […]

Why a Tory UKIP merger would lose

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

When a Tory raises their eyes to the horizon everywhere they see the 12 yellow stars of the European Union twinkling in the deep blue firmament. Yes, the modern Conservative Party is dysfunctionally obsessed. It can be distracted enough to bash the poor and fulminate against trade unions, but the abiding obsession is Europe. The […]

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