Posts Tagged ‘Fairness’

Fairness? With an earnings ratio of 450 to 1?

by Michael Meacher.

At least they know how unfair it all is, judging by the prohibition on drinking champagne at receptions at the Tory party conference while the rest of the country burns.   Yet it’s breathtaking that the Coalition can let the phrase ‘social justice’ pass their lips when the facts undeniably demonstrate the reverse, though the Treasury […]

Fairness without equality is like a car without a steering wheel

by Michael Meacher.

Once upon a time equality was a key goal.   Then it was softened to equality of outcomes.    Then it was weakened further to equality of opportunity.   Now the buzz-word is fairness, a wishy-washy concept which is subjective, cannot be measured, and means (as the Red Queen observed in Alice in Wonderland) ‘whatever I […]

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