Posts Tagged ‘Holocaust’

From the Holocaust to the Irish famine: can you make comedy out of genocide?

by Jon Lansman.

Can it ever be legitimate – possible even – to make comedy out of the world’s most appalling tragedies? A sitcom to be called Hungry, based on the Irish great famine (in which 1 million people died and another million were forced to emigrate in what some regard as an example of genocide), has been commissioned by Channel […]

When genocide is permissible?

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

Never. Well, sometimes. Or at least thinking aloud about it is okay. Why else would The Times of Israel publish such a thing? They may have removed it in short order, but as we know once things get on the internet…. Yochanan Gordon’s execrable screed shits on the memory of his ancestors. I am loathe to bring up […]

Shame on the Board of Deputies of British Jews for marring Holocaust day with a false accusation of antisemitism

by Jon Lansman.

The Board of Deputies of British Jews has shamed itself and marred International Holocaust Day with a false accusation of antisemitism that does a disservice to the memory of the six million Jews who perished, and indeed to Jews in Britain and elsewhere who face genuine antisemitic attacks. The Board of Deputies yesterday lodged a […]

On invoking the Holocaust in defence of Progress

by Jon Lansman.

Labour’s right appears to be panicking. That is the charitable explanation. No sooner had Paul Kenny suggested at the GMB congress that he supported a move to “outlaw Progress as part of the Labour Party” than Progress activists started to talk of a “purge“: “Seems the purges are about to start in the Labour Party! […]

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