Posts Tagged ‘Labour Internal elections’

The policy forum candidates with convenient access to members’ details

by Conrad Landin.

Three days ago Joan Ryan’s own NPF plug was dispatched directly from a personal email address. It even reached some members who haven’t been on the London membership register for eight months or more.

“Putting members first” – the easy empty rhetoric of Labour internal elections

by Jon Lansman.

What exactly does “putting members first” mean? Sure, it gives the impression of warmth towards your voters in elections to Labour’s national executive and national policy forum. But first before whom? Before the public? Who thinks that? We’re not here for ourselves but to bring about social and economic change which will, in our view […]

Labour’s internal election candidates should have an all-member eMail slot

by Peter Kenyon.

Today, Labour’s national executive committee has been meeting. In the wake of complaints about certain candidates for internal elected office having access to all-members contact details, by fair means or foul, I wondered whether consideration was given to a comradely gesture.

Centre-Left candidates for Labour councillor elections

by Jon Lansman.

Labour councillors will receive additional ballot papers to elect their representatives on Labour’s national executive and policy forum. In the election for two NEC representatives, Jay Kramer of Hastings Borough Council will contest with Dave Sparks, leader of Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council, and Ann Lucas of Coventry. For the four national policy forum places, Steve […]

Making Labour policy: who calls the tune?

by Ann Black.

Excellent election results and rising polls have brought a mood of unity and created space and time for serious work on policy.  Francois Hollande’s victory shows that austerity is not the only option, and Labour must start to develop an alternative agenda, rejecting the Tory politics of resentment and division in favour of policies which […]

Progress candidate who has abused access to membership database should be banned

by Jon Lansman.

Fiona Twycross, recently elected to the Greater London Assembly and sitting member of the national policy forum, has deliberately abused her privileged access to Labour’s membership database for the second election running. She is a candidate backed by right-wing party-within-a-party, Progress, for election as a London constituency party representative, a position to which she was first elected […]

Labour executive elections: opportunity for Left advance

by Andy Newman.

The forthcoming national executive committee elections for the Labour Party are critical. The Party is running high in the polls reflected by good local election results. But as George Galloway’s Bradford West by-election result shows, there is an element of fragility in Labour’s support.

The question now is not will we win with Ed, but how we win with Ed

by Jon Lansman.

Who says we cannot win with Ed Miliband as Leader? It was only in January that a meeting of leading Progress MPs decided not to challenge him this side of a general election — not because they really back him but because they couldn’t bring themselves to back Balls or Cooper, and they didn’t have a […]

NEC elections: latest nomination figures

by Jon Lansman.

In the second week in which the latest tally of nominations for constituency representatives on Labour’s national executive are published, former party chair, Ann Black, has consolidated an unassailable lead. Three other candidates, Ken Livingstone and Christine Shawcroft from the centre-left slate and Ellie Reeves from the Right-wing Progress/Labour First slate have also pulled ahead. All […]

NEC elections: centre left leads the field

by Jon Lansman.

Figures from the Labour Party on nominations for Labour’s national executive indicate that, so far the Left are leading the field. These figures show nominations actually received by the Labour Party at 24 February. Although details of other nominations are available (Progress, for example shows higher figures for their candidates), the party’s own figures do […]

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