Posts Tagged ‘Liberalism’

How ‘liberal’ should Labour be?

by Mike Phipps.

“It is simply no longer possible to be disabled and a Tory, says angry activist,” was the Guardian’s headline about Graeme Ellis, who ran the Conservative Disability Group website until March’s budget, when he closed it down and denounced Osborne’s cuts to disability benefits. He has now applied to join the Labour Party. Over the […]

A Lab-Lib Dem merger? A very, very bad idea

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

One question that comes up time and again from punters on the doorstep to far left activists is “why can’t you all just unite?” (although, ironically, Left Unity has ruled out unity with the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition for next year’s London Assembly elections). Of course, there are Very Important Reasons why myriad groups in the revolutionary […]

Dear Liz Kendall, about the differences between socialism and liberalism…

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

Dear Liz, Re: Leadership of the Labour Party I noted the other day that leadership contests are that rare occasion when MPs and ordinary members are frank about the personalities and policies at the top of the party. Some also over egg the pudding and go for outright abuse. I’m thinking mainly, this time around, […]

Was there anything Liberal about the Tory-LibDem Coalition?

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

As the most wretched government in living memory shuffles off into the history books, let’s take some time to reflect. For all intents and purposes, at least where this blog is concerned, it was a Conservative government. It was hard to remember that this was actually a coalition between two parties that came together, they […]

Islam and the New Atheists

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

I do like James Bloodworth and I think he’s done a great job building up the profile of Left Foot Forward since taking up the reins. But his recent piece for The Speccie, It’s fine to be a ‘new’ atheist, so long as you don’t object to Islam reads like it was written in haste. As such it is unsophisticated and limited, […]

The fight against Thatcherism must go on

by Carl Packman.

Yesterday, at 12.02, the anarchist Ian Bone wrote on his blog “Thatcher died this morning”. Moments after it hit Twitter and Facebook, though, as always, it was taken with a pinch of salt. That was until the BBC and Sky broke the news on its airwaves – the former Prime Minister had died, this was […]

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