Posts Tagged ‘local elections’

How Labour can see off the Greens

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

Political parties are always coalitions of interests, and nowhere is that truer than in our dear old Westminster parliament: practically the last bastion of winner-takes-all parliamentary elections in the world. All it takes to form a majority government is 325 seats, a feat that can be managed without winning an absolute majority of votes. And […]

A drubbing for Spain’s socialists, but Rajoy should not be smug

by Tom Gill.

It would be foolish to read this weekend’s local elections in Galicia and the Basque country, in Spain, as an endorsement of Mariano Rajoy’s self-perpetuating austerity policies. But instead, the strongest message was the confirmation of the Spaniards’ enduring distrust of the socialists. The party that ruled Spain for almost eight years during the build-up […]

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