Posts Tagged ‘Students’

Explaining the election of Malia Bouattia

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

What to make of the election of Malia to the presidency of the National Union of Students? Well, the political establishment are pretty clear about the opinions every right-thinking person should have. “Malia Bouattia’s election as NUS president proves deeply divisive“, says The Graun. “Disaffiliation threat could leave NUS facing a financial blackhole“, The HuffPo […]

When protests hit the news bulletins, the victim becomes the aggressor

by Sophie T. Rayworth.

Our media portrays a strikingly Orwellian picture of dissent. The images on our TV screens betray only immediate physical violence; memorably, that of students launching themselves at the Treasury in the autumn of 2010. The comparatively marginal violence of the weak, with their makeshift tools that are unable to touch the foundation of even the […]

Justice for the Farthing Five: end the victimisation of students

by Conrad Landin.

If you’ve been following recent events in the student movement, you may have heard of yet another worrying development at the University of Sussex. The Brighton campus has held a legendary place in the protest movement this year, as students have repeatedly occupied administration buildings in protest at privatisation and weakening of staff terms and […]

Now universities openly campaign against left-wing students

by Keith Wright.

The big news of this morning – although it is a story that will largely go unreported – is the forced and violent eviction of the peaceful sit-in at the University of Birmingham. Early this morning, around 25 bailiffs, 25 private security guards and ten police officers, accompanied by a London-based solicitor and university officials, […]

Take action against the student loan book privatisation

by Conrad Landin.

Students have declared next week a “week of action” against the proposed privatisation of the student loan book. On Friday 18th October, students will gather outside the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills to protest the plans, which have worrying implications for students past, present and future. An Early Day Motion (no. 542) has been […]

Labour can afford to be radical on higher education

by Duncan Hall.

More than three quarters of higher education experts do not believe the current loans system to be sustainable, according to research published in the Times Higher Education Supplement. Within five or ten years there will be yet another significant change in the HE funding model and it is very important that we plan now to […]

‘We’re All In This Together’

by Owen Jones.

2011 was the year the phoney war ended or – as the kids say these days, so I’m told – shit got real. When queues of anxious customers demanding their money suddenly formed outside Northern Rock over four years ago, it seemed like a slightly surreal – but one-off – disruption to normality, like an […]

NUS President election: Interview with Mark Bergfeld

by Owen Jones.

Following Aaron Porter’s announcement that he is stepping down when he has completed his term in office, the race is on for the next President of the National Union of Students. With the student movement more high-profile than ever, the contest is significant for students and non-students alike. There are three candidates standing: Mark Bergfeld, Liam Burns […]

NUS President election: Interview with Shane Chowen

by Owen Jones.

Following Aaron Porter’s announcement that he is stepping down when he has completed his term in office, the race is on for the next President of the National Union of Students. With the student movement more high-profile than ever, the contest is significant for students and non-students alike. There are three candidates standing: Mark Bergfeld, Liam […]

NUS President election: Interview with Liam Burns

by Owen Jones.

Following Aaron Porter’s announcement that he is stepping down when he has completed his term in office, the race is on for the next President of the National Union of Students. With the student movement more high-profile than ever, the contest is significant for students and non-students alike. There are three candidates standing: Mark Bergfeld, Liam […]

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