Posts Tagged ‘Syriza’

The growth of movements for real change have been a long time coming

by Steve Turner.

Last week Tony Blair professed bafflement at the rise – on both sides of the Atlantic – of popular movements by people who in Blair’s view choose to “rattle the cage”. I think this is a mischaracterisation. Those who have been energised into supporting Sanders, Corbyn and movements such as Podemos and Syriza want to […]

Left Book Club re-launch planned for autumn with first book on Syriza

by Newsdesk.

Former London mayor Ken Livingstone is among a string of authors set to be published by a new Left Book Club, which launches this autumn. A collective of writers, activists and academics have been working on the project with the radical publisher Pluto Press. The project aims to emulate the original 1936-1948 club in provoking thought […]

Austerity is a hard untruth for Europe to swallow

by Max Leak.

The most galling aspect of the Conservative Party’s ongoing political success is that its all-important austerity narrative is objectively, straightforwardly untrue. Every Conservative politician of note must be fully aware of this, and there are no words to describe the cynicism that it requires to keep trotting out the flagrant lie, year in, year out. […]

The two scenarios now facing Greece

by Sergio Cesaretto.

The victory of ‘no’ opens two scenarios. The most likely is the further effort by the Syriza-led government to reach a new agreement with the Troika, but it is not clear why it should be given something that had not been given before. The financial upheaval of recent days may be such as to induce the […]

After Greece votes no, what next?

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

In time, they might come to call it the Tsipras Gamble. With an impossibly weak hand, no one seriously thought Syriza could pull it off. The verdict of the bail out referendum was predicted to be close, so close that it might well have been Syriza as opposed to Greece heading for the exit door. […]

We need a Europe that’s for a better life, not one for advancing powerful interests

by Bryan Gould.

Like so many others, I long ago got used to being pilloried as “anti-European” for daring to say that the “Europe” we were urged to sign up to was no such thing, but was a particular arrangement cooked up by the powerful and foisted on the people of that often benighted continent without bothering either […]

The Real Greek Crisis

by Bryan Gould.

Most people will feel that they don’t need to look far for an explanation as to what lies behind the Greek crisis. Lazy reporting and racial stereotyping will persuade them that the Greeks – a feckless lot, no doubt – have spent more than they should, got into debt, taken out loans from the hard-working […]

In Greece, debt means death – they must vote ‘No’

by Max Shanly.

Yesterday’s Guardian revealed a trio of leaked documents from the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, and the European Union that revealed the true extent of Greece’s debt crisis. The documents – written by the tripartite collective commonly known in Greece and now much of the world as the troika – revealed that the […]

Is Labour doomed? Not if we end austerity

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

Tucked away in a barely-publicised corner of The Telegraph’s web edition is this piece forecasting Labour’s possible extinction. There isn’t much to the article, the paper quotes Jon Cruddas (who else?) speculating about the possibility of Labour’s death before moving on to attack Ed Miliband’s pledge to introduce compulsory profit-sharing schemes. Let’s come back to Cruddas. In the context […]

What’s driving Germany’s hardline stance on Greece?

by Tom Gill.

By Juan Torres López* and translated from the original Spanish by Tom Gill The media and the centres of economic and political power in Europe try to make us believe that the difficulties in reaching agreement with Greece come from the demands and bad practices in this country and that it is the position of […]

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