Posts Tagged ‘UKIP’

UKIP’s general election prospects

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

Our Nige is standing in South Thanet (at last!). The party’s pledged to take minimum wage earners out of income tax (and, whisper it, cutting the top rate for the very richest too). Prominent kippers gaffe, gaffe, and gaffe again. Admiring Hitler’s demagoguery? Calling a Thai supporter “ting-tong“? It’s so much water off a racist […]

Why the BBC Loves UKIP

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

All that was missing from the BBC’s coverage of the local and European election results was Nick Robinson giving Nigel Farage a wet, sloppy congratulations kiss. Seldom have the BBC elections team been more starstruck, more craven in its uncritical promotion of a political party. Is it yet another instantiation of a putative BBC bias? Maybe. Sure, there […]

UKIP’s surge makes working class Labour candidates more vital than ever

by Jon Lansman.

The initial Labour reaction to the success of UKIP at attracting working class voters in many areas has focussed on the right policy response. But as Matthew Goodwin and Robert Ford, authors of Revolt on the Right: Explaining Public Support for the Radical Right in Britain, say in tomorrow’s Guardian the voters with “white faces, blue collars and grey […]

How to tackle UKIP (and austerity)

by Michael Meacher.

UKIP is the Teflon party in these European elections. However disorganised and anarchic they are, with no policies except a visceral hatred of the EU and immigrants, however vile the racist and sexist views of so many of its representatives, a significant section of the British electorate are quite prepared to ignore all that because […]

Anti-Roma attacks show need to resist rise of the far-right throughout European Union

by Jeremy Corbyn.

Last Monday saw the wonderful sight of Roma flags raised outside Downing Street, representing a small proportion of the 12 million Roma people who live within the European Union. The Roma suffer huge discrimination and abuse on differing levels in every country across Europe. They were the first victims of the nazis, who shipped them off […]

The far-right must be halted in its tracks

by Aaron Kiely.

Today is UN Anti-Racism Day. It is our chance to show that we can prevent fascism and racism scarring Europe’s future in the way it has scarred its past. We enter these European elections with fascist and extreme right parties likely to increase their seats. In France backing for Le Front Nationale is at an […]

Stand up to racism – support March 22nd rally

by Billy Hayes.

In the run-up to the European elections it is vital that the labour and progressive movement takes a stand against racism. The Tories are adapting to UKIP’s efforts to make immigration the central question in the election. Large sections of the media are only too happy to fuel and facilitate this agenda. Yet the whole […]

Why UKIP Will Not Die

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

Ideas are very hard to kill, especially if they’re adhered to by a swathe of the population. Among other things, that’s what political parties are (officially) about. There are certain principles or collections of ideas espoused by different organisations. Sometimes they’re bundled up in coalitions of like-minds, like the Conservatives and Labour. Sometimes they’re spotless […]

UKIP and masculinity

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

This morning, Diane Abbott gave a heavily trailed speech on the crisis of masculinity. Simplifying her argument somewhat, cultural change and the restructuring of the jobs market has thrown young men into a state of anomie. In one direction they’re being flattered as gendered consumers into clothes, gadgets, cars, booze and footy. From another comes […]

UKIP faces BNP entrism

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

It will no doubt be a cack-handed operation, but entrism within UKIP is – apparently – what the BNP are planning to do. This from Nick Griffin’s “analysis” of Thursday’s election results on the BNP’s website. Join us – or do this! If, for whatever reason, anyone who thinks of themselves as a nationalist isn’t […]

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