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On the Left? Join Labour & vote to change it

Are you on the Left? But not in the Labour Party?

You used to be but you left – it wasn’t the party you joined?  We understand.

You’d like to join something but Labour’s too right-wing and the others simply can’t win? We understand.

You were against the War. You’re fed up with market fundamentalism. You want to stop global warming. You want human rights and an end to poverty. We understand.

And we have the answer. Join Labour and vote to change it. Join here by 8th September and you can vote for Labour’s Leader and candidates for many key other positions.

Make Labour Left Again

…. join the Facebook Group for this campaign here!


  1. Nicholas says:

    A good idea which I share, but I can’t see the facebook page! The link just goes to facebook in general. Any other suggestions?

    1. Jon Lansman says:

      I don’t know why it no longer seems to exist (though it won’t have had much traffic recently). We could still use your help trying to change Labour from the inside though! Please do join the party, Nicholas.

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