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Some machine politics seems more acceptable than others

Rage-Against-the-MachineEd says he hates machine politics.

Only a few months ago, there was the Rotherham selection, which local party members felt was an appalling stitch-up by the party establishment. At the selection meeting there were some 125 angry party members. Around 100 either waked out or spoilt their ballot papers in protest.

The popular Rotherham councillor who had been approved by the same party establishment for a simultaneous by-election in the safe Labour seat of Middlesborough was not allowed on the shortlist in his home town. And nor was the trade union candidate supported by all 13 affiliated trade unions in Yorkshire. There was a shortlist of two — two fewer than proposed by the NEC’s guidance.

Question: Which was the biggest insult to party members? Rotherham or Falkirk?

One Comment

  1. Rod says:

    Trade Union members who support the Labour Party have been played for fools.

    I listened to Radio 5 this morning and any mention of a link between Trade Unions and politics is met with derision and scorn – Miliband has ensured, in the popular imagination, Unions are now associated with opportunist, unprincipled, self-interested stitch-ups.

    It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee.

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