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Was your constituency vote cast at conference without interference? Check the record

CAC Ballot boxReaders will be aware from previous reports that there is serious concern about the validity of the result of internal party elections held at this year’s Labour conference in Brighton. In the closest fought election for the party conference arrangements committee for many years, two opposition whips were declared elected as representatives of constituency party members following complaints about interference by party staff who are required by their code of conduct to remain impartial.

Delegates have now come forward from six of the party’s eleven regions (now including London which is the largest) reporting that they were advised to vote for the two whips. Fortunately a record of how votes were cast on behalf of each constituency is now available which can be downloaded here. Only 398 CLPs’ votes were cast (though at almost 82% that is a higher proportion of the 488 represented than the 377 or 72% who voted in 2011). It is important that readers check how their CLPs voted and whether that was in line with any nomination or mandate, or at least properly decided by their delegates.

If any delegates were pressurised by party officials to vote for the two whips, or were told that they had individual votes (a frequently used trick in the past to ensure that amenable delegates cast their votes without consultation with their fellow delegates), please inform the party general secretary and the Campaign for Labour Party Democracy.

One Comment

  1. peter willsman says:

    We are getting a fuller picture of the systematic interference in the ballot by ftos ,against the NECs Code of Conduct.Thanks to those who have responded so far.

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