Do we lack ideology within the Labour Party?

by Scott Nicholson.

I recently heard about a working paper that Eliane Glaser had written for the New Economics Foundation. In this Glaser writes about neoliberalism, how she feels politicians and the media reject political ideology as no longer relevant to our pragmatic political culture and about grassroots political alternatives. What interests me, is what this means for […]

Payday loans, TV and Class

by Scott Nicholson.

When was the last time that you saw someone take out a payday loan on a television programme? When did you last see a show in which someone in full time work was struggling to pay the bills? I feel there is a discrepancy between the portrayal of poverty on our televisions and that which […]

Antibiotics and a crisis for capitalism

by Scott Nicholson.

Last March 2013, England’s Chief Medical Officer, Dame Sally Davies gave the stark warning that antimicrobial resistance poses “a catastrophic threat“. Unless we act now, she argued, “any one of us could go into hospital in 20 years for minor surgery and die because of an ordinary infection that can’t be treated by antibiotics. And […]

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