Labour Election Voting Guide

If you are a Labour Party member, you will receive ballot papers for all these positions on or shortly after 1st September. Members of affiliated unions who pay the political levy and members of other affiliated organisations will also get ballot papers for the party leadership.


1.  Diane Abbott

Left Futures has argued that Diane has broad public appeal, is widely considered to be in touch with the lives of ordinary voters and understands how much the party needs to change so that we can win again. She deserves your first preference vote.

2. Ed Miliband

However, we’ve also argued that the final ballot is certain to be a contest between the two Miliband brothers and, if you who would rather not see another Mandelson-backed Blairite as Labour leader, you should give your second preference to Ed Miliband. He has been nominated by Labour’s three largest unions, is committed to Labour making a break with past mistakes and to giving party members a greater role within the party.


Diana Holland

Diana has been nominated by 53 CLPs, 8 trade unions (all those who nominated) as well as Labour Black & minority ethnic members and Disabled members. She has been a Labour Party member for 25 years, a CLP officer and party chair and is the longest serving Natonal Executive member. She is Assistant General Secretary of Unite, and served as President of the Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions. A leading proponent of equalities, she has negotiated with employers including London Buses, Vauxhall, BAA, and Cadbury. She was also an adviser to the Labour government on the National Minimum Wage, Equality Bill, and rights for disabled people. Her website is Diana4Treasurer.

National Executive Committee

For the six constituency places on the NEC, the Campaign for LabourParty Democracy,  Compass Youth, Labour Black Representation Committee and Scottish Labour Womens Network (backed by Labour CND) are urging you to vote for all six of the following candidates:

ann blackAnn Black, current Chair of the Party and NEC member since 2000, Secretary of Oxford East CLP and a member of UNISON’s National Labour Link committee, she reports back here and was nominated by 275 CLPs.

Christine ShawcroftChristine Shawcroft, NEC member since 1999, is Secretary of Nottingham South CLP and has previously been Leader of Tower Hamlets Council Labour Group and PPC for Meriden. She is a regular columnist in Labour Briefing and was nominated by 160 CLPs.

Pete WillsmanPeter Willsman, first elected to the NEC in 1998 having previously served for many years on the Labour Conference Arrangements Committee, is Secretary of the Campaign for Labour Party Democracy, and reports back here. ken livingstoneHe was nominated by 137 CLPs.

Ken Livingstone is former Mayor of London and Leader of the Greater London Council, MP for Brent East and member of the NEC. Many of his speeches and writings can be found here. He was nominated for the NEC by 235 CLPs and Labour members in London will also be able to vote for Ken to be Labour’s London Mayoral candidate in 2012.

Sam TarrySam Tarry is National Chair of Young Labour,Compass Management Committee member, GMB activist, Hope not Hate organiser and recently elected Barking and Dagenham councillor. sofi taylorHe was nominated by 111 CLPs. Follow him on Twitter @SamTarry or on Facebook.

Sofi Taylor is a member of Unison’s NEC, Chair of the STUC Black Workers Committee and a former member of the TUC General Council. Standing for the fitst time, Sofi received 55 nominations.

National Policy Forum

This is the first election for CLP places to take place by OMOV.


The Centre-Left Grasroots Alliance (which includes the Scottish Labour Womens Network and LRC Scotland) are backing Maria Fyfe, Ann Henderson, Jim Mackechnie and Gordon McKay who have 27 nominations between them compared with 10 for the three Labour First-backed nominees.


The Welsh Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance is backing Nick DaviesGail GilesAnnabelle Harle, and Darren Williams who have 30 nominations compared with 27 for the Labour First-backed nominees. Left candidate for the youth place, Rhian Greaves, has been elected unopposed.


Campaign for Labour Party Democracy members in the region are backing  Russell Cartwright, Jenny Holland, and Lorna Trollope as well as Toby Brown for the youth seat and Daniel Zeichner (who is also backed by Labour First).

East Midlands

Campaign for Labour Party Democracy members in the region are backing Charmaine Morgan, Ian Morrison and Stephen Yemm.

Greater London

Although there is no agreed slate for the region, Campaign for Labour Party Democracy members in the region are backing Gary Heather and Cat Smith, together with Shani Gray for the youth seat. LRC members are backing Gordon Nardell in addition although, like Thomas Gardner, backed by London Labour Left, he is unlikely to win based on nominations. Two candidates backed by both Labour First and some of the Centre-Left, Nicky Gavron and Alon Or-bach are likely to retein their seats.


Centre-Left Grasroots Alliance supporters in the region are backing Veronica Killen and David-Taylor-Goodby.


The Centre-Left Grasroots Alliance is backing Mohammed Azam, Paul France, Kathleen Fry and Lisa Hamilton as well as Rebecca Hodgson for the youth seat. The Centre Left is comfortably ahead on nominations at 29 compared with 22 for the Labour First-backed nominees (16 to 6 ahead for the youth seat).


Campaign for Labour Party Democracy members in the region are backing Vicki BlackAnn PhilipsDavid Stokes and Doug Naysmith (who is also backed by Labour First) as well as Gus Baker for the youth place. Although Labour First-backed nominees are ahead on noninations, the front-runner is on neither slate — former MEP, Glyn Ford.

West Midlands

There are no Left candidates in the West Midlands but Stephanie Peacock probably the most supportable of those who have been nominated.


Yorkshire Centre-Left Grasroots Alliance are backing Lorraine Ferris, George McManus, Nikki Sharpe and Alex Sobel as well as Jack Falkingham for the youth place. For further information, download the Yorkshire flyer.

Local Government Section

The Campaign for Labour Party Democracy is calling for a vote for Cllr Angela Cornforth, Labour Councillor for 20 years, having served on Lewisham and Greenwich Councils and having been Deputy Leader in both. Angela has been Treasurer of her Unite Branch and Secretary of Greenwich Coop Party. On the NPF, Angela would press for local government to have a higher profile and for a coordinated strategy for fighting the government’s attacks.

Conference Arrangements Committee

Mick Murphy (Unite)

National Constitutional Committee(CLP Section)

Mark James

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