Labour General Secretary: Will Ed leave machine politics in the past?

Yesterday, a Labour selection panel chose a shortlist of two for a new general secretary. The panel was carefully chosen to comprise largely those who would, in the bad old New Labour days, have been described as Leadership loyalists. The full executive, which has chosen the party’s chief executive since the party’s early days, may not like being given only two candidates from which to choose, but it certainly clarifies the choice. Chris Lennie, the machine insider, the establishment candidate, backed by the Leader’s advisers, versus Iain McNicol, GMB Political Officer and himself a former party organiser, the candidate most likely to restore to the party machine the civil service principles of integrity, honesty, objectivity and impartiality. Continue reading

Will Ed hand the party back to the ÜberBlairites?

It’s eight months since Ed Miliband was elected promising change. Eight months that have seen more promise but precious little change. The party was promised a new voice, and maybe it will still be allowed a little one, but Liam Byrne’s policy review looks set to resurrect much of the old Blairite mantra before that voice is heard. Now it seems, in what would be Ed’s most serious failing to date, the party general secretaryship could be handed to an experienced Blairite hatchet man. Continue reading