Posts Tagged ‘Credit’

Why banks power to create money should be regulated and directed (but not ended)

by Ann Pettifor.

Ann is author of “Just Money: how society can break the despotic power of finance”, published by Commonwealth, 2014.  The Financial Times is hosting a major debate on whether the private banking system should be allowed to continue creating 97% of the credit or money circulating within the economy. Martin Wolf, its respected economics commentator, supports […]

A budget that ignores reality: ideological and macro-economically hollow

by Ann Pettifor.

Since 2009 the economy has struggled to recover from the mire of a slump caused by the banking sector. But each time economic activity quickens, it hits a series of buffers. These buffers are well known , but denied by the Chancellor: a vast overhang of private debt now slowly being de-leveraged; a banking sector […]

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