Posts Tagged ‘Ed Miliband’

Cameron v Miliband: it’s about policies not personalities

by Michael Meacher.

Cameron at least has one special skill – to hold together an ungovernable party which is irrevocably split. He does not appear to have an ultimate belief in anything – only to sustain his own position and his party at whatever cost to the country at large. That explains his early embrace of driving an […]

A tale of two Labour coups

by Jon Lansman.

Today’s Times (£) reports last night’s reshuffle as having been to prevent a coup (later clarified to say a “backbench coup“). The BBC are trying to give the story legs. There certainly was concern about the possible actions of two right-wing backbenchers to further undermine Ed Miliband’s leadership, and the reshuffle was designed to strengthen the small band […]

Convince me, Ed, by convincing Josephine and Xiomara

by David Osland.

Labour could elect a leader equipped with movie star sex appeal, a double first in applied astrophysics, Churchillian oratory, the ability to juggle three flaming torches simultaneously and serious talent as a hard bop tenor saxophonist. And still the first thing the Tory media would say about her is that she was ‘unconvincing’. Such is the […]

Investment, jobs, growth must be Labour’s policy, not austerity

by Michael Meacher.

Labour has had a successful party conference, Ed Miliband made a powerful speech with a strong commanding narrative of Labour’s objectives for government, but the only let-down was in the crucial area of economic policy. Ed Balls’ embrace of the the right-wing Tory orthodoxy of prolonged austerity until at least 2020 is as unbelievable as […]

The genocide of Christians is the legacy of Blair. Labour must learn the lessons

by Jon Lansman.

The persecution of Christians in Iraq has become a genocide, say their religious leaders. The slaughter of the Yazidi and others by Isis militias is no different. And there is no doubt that the 2003 invasion of Iraq planned by Bush and Blair contributed to its current disintegration and the increasing disaster caused by Isis, as Blair’s […]

Making it another 1945

by Bryan Gould.

Steve Richards (David Cameron will lose the battle of ideas if he keeps firing 1979’s bullets) is right to say in The Guardian (and Ed Miliband obviously agrees with him) that next year’s election will not, and should not, be decided by personality politics.  So what is it that will determine the voters’ preferences? It would […]

The economic contradictions of Mr Miliband

by Ann Pettifor and Jeremy Smith.

There is much to welcome in Ed Miliband’s address last Saturday to the Labour Party’s national policy forum. For example, his argument that Britain suffers from a low-pay economy. While the number of those in employment has grown, real pay has fallen dramatically over the lifetime of the present government. At PRIME, we calculated the fall in real […]

Dear Ed, please tell me it’s hackers and not your advisors writing to me

by David Pavett.

Last week I received an email purporting to be from Ed Miliband. Yes, it’s not the first time that I’ve complained about this sort of message – but it seems to be getting worse and worse, despite members’ protests on Left Futures and elsewhere. This is what “Ed” had to say: Hi David, On Monday […]

Blinded by The Sun, part 2: digging a deeper hole

by Ben Sellers.

Ten days ago, I sent a letter to Ed Miliband, explaining my anger at his decision to pose with The Sun newspaper. As you can well imagine, I didn’t have high hopes of a personal reply. I know how these things work. I don’t have illusions of grandeur. I know I’m not really having a […]

It’s time to face up to Miliband’s contradictions – and sort them out

by Thomas Butler.

Speaking at the Labour Representation Committee’s fringe at last year’s Trades Union Congress, Mark Serwotka assessed Ed Miliband as politically “schizophrenic”. It struck a chord. The Labour leader is a man of frustrating political and personal contradictions. The New Labour days were famous for sofa politics, spin, doublespeak, doublethink and policies made on the hoof. […]

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