Posts Tagged ‘Ineos’

Unite statement on Falkirk

by Newsdesk.

In July this year Unite was subjected to a major campaign of criticism regarding allegations of misconduct in the affairs of Falkirk Constituency Labour Party – in essence that the union had tried to manipulate the selection procedure for a Labour candidate for the constituency outside the Party’s rules. The union was enjoined by a […]

How our taxpayer-rescued banks helped INEOS escape UK taxes

by Jeremy Smith.

So billionaire Jim Ratcliffe seems to have succeeded in forcing through huge reductions in the pay and conditions of his Grangemouth workforce. See the excellent recent Open Democracy article by Robin McAlpine for the background story. But Ineos, the company of which Ratcliffe is the main owner,  represents much that is most destructive and arrogant about modern […]

Grangemouth closure exposes why markets and capitalists like Ratcliffe are not fit for purpose

by Michael Meacher.

Till yesterday it seemed inconceivable that Grangemouth, representing 2% of Scotland’s GDP and 8% of its manufacturing capacity, could be closed down by an industrial dispute, with 800 jobs lost and another 600 nearby plus 2,000 contract staff severely at risk. The dispute reached rancorous levels from the demands of Ratcliffe, billionaire hedge fund owner of […]

Ineos, the SNP and a fillip for Scotttish independence

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

I write about the decadence of the British ruling class and then confirmation makes the headlines shortly thereafter. There is nothing I can add about the specifics, except to say this piece by Robin McAlpine is an excellent rundown of what’s been happening at Grangemouth, as well as a condemnation of Britain’s flexible labour markets – where flexibility is […]

Grangemouth, class aggression and the ‘national interest’

by Stephen Low.

It is in ‘the national interest’ that Grangemouth remain open say the Scottish Government, refusing to countenance closure. They are however seemingly content with the idea that this be accomplished by the Ineos workforce sacrificing wages, pensions, redundancy terms and shift allowances. The national interest is being defined as the continuation of production at the […]

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