Last week Tony Blair professed bafflement at the rise – on both sides of the Atlantic – of popular movements by people who in Blair’s view choose to “rattle the cage”. I think this is a mischaracterisation. Those who have been energised into supporting Sanders, Corbyn and movements such as Podemos and Syriza want to […]
Posts Tagged ‘Podemos’
In Spain, election results are good news
May 27th, 2015 by Mike Phipps.Spains indignados made the move from city squares to the halls of power on Sunday in municipal and regional elections that saw an anti-poverty activist elected as mayor of Barcelona and the ruling Peoples Party (PP) battered at the ballot box, reports the Guardian. Elections in thirteen regions and more than 8,000 municipalities saw sweeping […]
Podemos is 3rd force Spanish elections – radical left triumphs in Barcelona
May 25th, 2015 by Tom Gill.The upstart left party Podemos has claimed it is a “lever for change”, as it broke through in eight regions of Spain to become the third force in eight of the 13 regional parliaments contested. “We would have liked to see a more rapid erosion of the large parties“, according to Podemos leader Pablo Iglesias, […]
Election should be about vision of new economic order – Is Labour ready?
Jan 16th, 2015 by Michael Meacher.It is ironic that the Tories, the enemies of ideology and avowed exponents of pragmatism, are starting this election with a much stronger ideological pitch than Labour, normally the proud presenter of an alternative vision. Osborne has gone on the offensive immediately by advocating the balanced budgeting and small state goals of the 1920-30s aimed […]
“We are the vote for hope”: Interview with Pablo Iglesias of Podemos
Nov 27th, 2014 by Tom Gill.He’s MEP of the European Left in the GUE-NGL grouping “that defends the dignity of the people and democracy”. He’s also leader of Spain’s Podemos movement, which to general surprise won 8% in the Continent-wide elections in May and is accredited in opinion polls today as the leading political force in the country with a […]
Why haven’t there been riots about endless austerity? That may be about to happen
Nov 19th, 2014 by Michael Meacher.One of the most remarkable facts about the British public’s attitude to prolonged austerity is the lack of the kind of open revolt which has been seen in so many other countries. In Greece it has led to the dramatic rise of Syriza under the dynamic leadership of the radical Tsipras who now has a […]
The rise and rise of Podemos: a movement for popular empowerment
Nov 16th, 2014 by Mike Phipps.One of the highlights of the recent AGM of the Labour Representation Committee was the address from Leticia Bernues Caudillo from Podemos which took 8% of the vote in the European elections and won five MEPs just three months after being founded. Podemos (“We can!”) was inspired by the radical left force in Greece, Syriza. It grew […]
Fear is changing sides in Spain
Sep 16th, 2014 by Mike Phipps.Hundreds attended a meeting packed to overflowing – mainly young people, many Spanish – in London this weekend to hear a three-way debate between Owen Jones, Ken Loach and leaders of the new Spanish organisation Podemos, which took five seats in the European Parliament in May just three months after being formed. One of the new […]
Podemos – We can!
Jun 2nd, 2014 by Mike Phipps.One of the most spectacular – and unpredicted – results in the European elections was in Spain. A 16% swing against the governing conservative People’s Party saw the newly formed left party Podemos (We can) take 8% of the vote and 5 seats in the European Parliament. Additionally the United Left, a broad grouping to […]
European elections: A rising left amid the far right danger
May 30th, 2014 by Kate Hudson.If you base your assessment of what’s going on politically in Europe on the BBC coverage of the Euro elections, you’ll be aware of the massive victory of the Front National in France and not too much else. The parallel rise of the far left was under-reported and where it was covered, the preferred terminology […]