Posts Tagged ‘state investment bank’

Bail-out banks need a strong-arm, not a sell-off

by Ben Folley.

The announcement that Lloyds TSB are back in profit has automatically triggered discussion of the government selling off its 39% share in the bank, back to the private sector. For Labour, it should trigger a discussion on an increasingly interventionist approach to the economy. Britain’s privately-owned banks were bailed out with billions from the taxpayer […]

Unite backing for continued public ownership of RBS

by Jon Lansman.

Ahead of the report by the parliamentary commission on banking standards, due to report back this week on the future of RBS, Unite, which represents workers at RBS and 120,000 workers altogether in financial services, has called on the government to commit to the full nationalisation of RBS in which the state currently has an […]

Labour should look to the TUC agenda

by Ben Hayes.

As the labour movement prepares to take to the streets again this weekend, the message it is sending is more explicit than ever: austerity must go. This year’s TUC Congress took place in a backdrop where governments across Europe have pursued policies attacking the living standards of the many for the sake of a small, […]

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