Posts Tagged ‘Young Labour’

Left maintains stronghold: A report from Scottish Young Labour Conference

by Aiden Anthony O Rourke.

Scottish Labour Young Socialists (SLYS) won the full executive committee slate at Scottish Young Labour conference this month, on the back of Campaign for Socialism (CFS) success in winning five seats on the Scottish Executive Committee (SEC), which once again shows the changing dynamics within the Labour Party in Scotland. The situation facing Labour in Scotland is […]

After Corbyn: Lessons from Scottish Young Labour conference

by Alistair Craig.

Youth politics can be miserable. The culture in NUS and Labour Students is particularly toxic and it is to blame for a generation of jaded and cynical young activists. The student movement no longer churns out leaders like Dutschke, Wilkerson, or Hayden. It’s understandable then that socialists are reluctant to engage in youth politics. The […]

Labour’s £25 registered supporters system has left young people out

by Asher Mohammed.

The Labour Party is in a crisis. A political party which is no longer connected to the very people it is supposed to represent. In the midst of a civil war, Labour’s youngest members have yet again been sidelined, ignored and rejected. Don’t take it from me, talk to the thousands of under 19 labour […]

Young Labour in Left landslide but chaos, manipulation & smears mar NEC election

by Jon Lansman.

The Young Labour conference in Scarborough this weekend has seen the triumph of the Momentum Youth and Student slate in the elections for the Young Labour national committee. The sweeping victory of the Left for the first time in 30 years presents an opportunity to create a movement capable of attracting not those who want careers in politics […]

Democracy with a price tag is a dangerous precedent

by Seema Chandwani.

As a youth worker for over 17 years some of my best political conversations have been with young people. However, sadly many of those young people do not engage with the democratic systems and political parties in our country. So I was extremely proud to hear not one, but three [one as a delegate from […]

Why Jeremy’s youth manifesto – written by young members – can help us win back a generation of voters

by James Elliott.

This evening will see the launch of Jeremy Corbyn’s Vision For Britain 2020 – a bold manifesto to reverse the long march backwards faced by Britain’s youth. Successive British governments have viewed the young as an easy target when confronted with difficult Treasury balance sheets or the lobbyists of big business. New Labour’s best achievement, […]

Young Labour Members to hold Conference about democracy

by Rida Vaquas.

Democracy and Young Labour have, in recent history, been mutually exclusive. The strange incompatibility of democracy in this organisation and Labour Students has been justified with various excuses: “we should spend the money on campaigning” (as if a political organisation has no politics); “it will disenfranchise women” (as if the majority of women in our […]

Young Labour leaders ridicule member for working in a restaurant

by Jake Johnstone.

This is the text of an open letter to Labour Party General Secretary, Iain McNicol Dear Iain, My name is Jake. You’ve only met me once so I doubt that you’d remember this particular bespectacled Labour-supporting 19 year old. Anyway, hello. I currently work in a restaurant in Waterloo. I enjoy my job. It’s sociable, […]

Labour Students wreck their own wrecking amendment

by Conrad Landin.

Last night the Labour Students and Progress block on the Young Labour national committee accidentally wrecked their own wrecking amendment, thereby wrecked (for them) the overall motion, and then voted it down – despite their amendment having been carried. The bizarre spectacle was the climax of a shoddy episode which once again revealed that Labour […]

Young Labour members: lobby your reps for free education

by Newsdesk.

Today (Tuesday 21st October) the Young Labour national committee will be debating a motion on free education and providing support for the free education demo on November 19th, submitted under-19s officer Rida Vaquas and seconded by trade union rep Caroline Hill. It is likely that right-wing members of the committee will attempt to prevent the […]

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