Banks: time to move your own money

We all know that the banks have failed us and something has to change.

The banks won’t change of their own accord and politicians and regulators are too narrowly focused on maintaining the status quo, so we must be the agents of change. It is simple: make a positive decision about where to put your money.

Banks rely on the deposits of ordinary savers. So when you choose where you keep your money, you are choosing between supporting business as usual or taking a simple but powerful step towards a better banking system and a better future. By moving your money you can directly support an ethical and socially useful bank, and send a message about the sort of society and economy you want to see. And one you’d rather not.

The time is right. Public anger with the banks is at an all time high. Politicians are reflecting the country’s mood with talk of ‘responsible capitalism’ and there is an increased interest in co-operatives. We need to seize the moment and steer our leaders in the direction we want them to take.

The campaign follows a highly successful movement in the US which has led to over 10 million people moving their money into local financial institutions – in a single day over 40,000 people moved their accounts. It’s not the first consumer boycott in the UK either. In the 1980s a student led campaign successfully resulted in Barclays pulling out of apartheid South Africa. As Ed Mayo, Secretary General of Coops UK says:

At an individual level, you can’t do everything to put an unfair economy right – but you can do something. Move your money is the new fair trade. It is THE campaign for our time.”

Pledge to Move Your Money now and join the movement for better banking.