Adams and Powell to address Ireland conference in London

Gerry AdamsA conference in London next month will see Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams and others address a series of themes relating to the place of Ireland in the twenty-first century.

Titled “Towards a new Ireland – a new phase of the peace process”, the conference, hosted by Sinn Féin, will consider the economic future of the nation as well as challenges for the country’s vast diaspora in Britain. Speakers include Labour MPs Diane Abbott and Jeremy Corbyn, alongside Kris Hopkins, a Tory MP who previously served in the British army.

Jonathan Powell, chief of staff to Tony Blair when the latter was in Downing Street, will also speak.

Tickets for the conference are priced at £15 and £5 for the unwaged, and include lunch. More information and booking details are available here.

  1. Shouldn’t they have this in Ireland, and shouldn’t it be hosted by Irish m.p.s not Northern Ireland ones

  2. The NI Settlement is a model for reconciliation.
    Lets not let the Provos and The Real IRA ruin it. Any extremist groups should be proscribed and their members locked up if they step out of line. We can’t have peace ruined because of a few extremist nutters. And, we still need to break down those barriers and build bridges between Catholic and Protestant communities.
    That is the message that Abbott and Corbyn should be speaking out loud and clear. Nothing less will do.