GMB condemns antisemitic abuse of centre-left candidate for Labour executive

RheaWolfsonGMB Scotland today utterly condemned the vile antisemitic abuse suffered by their Glasgow Branch Secretary, Rhea Wolfson, who is standing for a position on the Labour Party’s National Executive Committee (NEC).

A spate of deliberate attacks on social media by Nazi propagandists occurred following confirmation of Rhea’s candidacy and GMB Scotland have said they will bring these hate crimes to the attention of the police, while using every tool at their disposal to flush out the online racists.

Gary Smith, GMB Scotland Secretary, said:

There is no place for anti-Semitism or racism of any kind in our politics or society and Rhea has the total solidarity of her trade union in the face of this vile abuse.

Rhea is a hugely talented and principled activist; a popular and respected member of our union in Scotland and beyond with an established track record of campaigning for social justice and human rights.

We can’t let this hate go unchallenged. What sort of message would that send out to young people of all backgrounds who may want to get involved in making our communities and workplaces more fair, peaceful and prosperous?

GMB Scotland looks after our members and we call on all representatives from across civic society and politics to condemn these hate crimes.”

  1. while the party argues over this aktion t4 rolls along without much of a ado

  2. Well said Gary – and well done to Rhea for standing strong against this pathetic and cowardly attack.

  3. Rhea is an incredibly impressive candidate and the future of the party.

    I hope they find a way to identify the cowardly pondscum involved and they get what’s coming to them.

  4. Rhea’s candidacy was welcomed by many people.

    It brings a fresh face to the democratic left.

    It is to be hoped that the GMB’s message, and the countless messages of support she has received will help answer these attacks.

    In the meantime there will be many many people in the Labour Party, the labour movement, and the left wishing her well.

  5. I don’t know why GMB would bother commenting on the social media posting of a few mentally ill freaks.

  6. Now here you see we have anti-Semitism not Bullshit Antisemitism. I don’t get how people don’t see how this don’t slag off Israel stuff undermines the struggle against what Rhea has experienced.

    • We should not “slag off Israel” we should judge its policies by the same critical standards that we apply to any other country and no one on the left that I am aware of is saying otherwise.

      • Why is Jess Phillips allowed to get away with making a public death threat to Jeremy Corbyn? And why is Momentum and the left in general too wimpish to call for her expulsion?

        • …and John Mann’s media brawl goes unpunished.

          I blame a general wimpishness on the part of the Labour Left. Wimpish about capitalism, wimpish about the EU, wimpish against the Labour Right.

          • Hi David, It’s a general response to the general wimpishness of the left at the moment.

            Why do we meekly submit to this kind of outrageous behaviour?

            If someone on the left ever made a public death threat they’d be drummed out of the party immediately, but this media ‘luvvie’ makes a public death threat and the Blairite media praise her as a ‘straight talker’.

            It reminds me of how Clarkson got away with his ‘shoot strikers’ comments a couple of years ago.

        • Perhaps because they recognize political rhetoric for what it is and don’t play juvenile games.

          • It isn’t a game. US congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head by a right-wing nutter soon after Sarah Palin’s ‘gunsights’ comments.

            What you call ‘rhetoric’ can have extremely dangerous consequences.

          • I find Phillips’s “straight-talking” persona deeply irritating, but what she said clearly wasn’t a death threat.

            Let the tabloid press, the Labour right and the Tories engage in faux outrage at the expense of honesty, the left should rise above it.

          • @Karl
            “…death threats…” @1:11mins

            It wasn’t a death threat Karl, obviously! She was sat in front of Owen Jones with a camera crew and make-up team around her, she’s hardly gonna throw serious death threats around now is she? Though I must say there is a subtle whiff of the Edwina Curries about her, as in when she seeks attention she don’t do small and always takes her own spotlight.

          • Reply to Nestor and Rob.

            She threatened to knife/stab Jeremy Corbyn ‘in the front’.

            Stabbing or knifing someone ‘in the front’ would be extremely likely to be fatal.

            It’s a clear death threat.

            If someone on the left had made such a remark, they would already have been expelled.

            If a young working-class person made such a remark to a police officer, they would already have been arrested.

            If a left-wing Labour candidate, or high-profile left-winger had ever shared a platform with someone who had ever made such a remark, they would be being hounded by the right-wing media.

            But a right-wing gobshite, who happens to be the current darling of the mainstream media luvvies, makes a clear death threat publicly, and the left does nothing, absolutely nothing.

            And when this outrageous behaviour is raised, people on the left make excuses for her, re-interpret her remarks as harmless, and give her the benefit of the doubt.

            And you wonder why the right keeps on pushing the left around?

          • @Karl
            Steady on mate, I can assure you there was no serious death threat by Jess Phillips, but then again who knows 🙂 She was using the Longinus style expression metaphorically to say to JC that she’ll turn on him and she wont be sly about it – basically she’ll be in his face doing everything she possibly can to bring him down……Yes exactly, delusions of grandeur.
            Don’t worry yourself about it, there’s bigger fish to fry.

      • You can do whatever you want David, I shall continue to slag it off at every opportunity. You would, I think, profit from reading Mark Braverman’s ” The Fatal Embrace”.

  7. The shameful anti-Semitic abuse directed at Rhea started the moment her candidacy for the NEC was announced: given that she is not a well-known figure outside labour movement circles, it is reasonable to assume that this filth emanated from people in or around our movement. It immediately gives the lie to those who claim there is no anti-Semitism in the movement. Stand firm, Rhea! Don’t let the scumbags get you down!

    • Jim, in her own article on Labour List, Ms Wolfson says the racist anti-semitic attacks on her have come from a neo-nazi site, and that the other, non-racist, political attacks on her have come from a Conservative site.

      Totally agree with your last sentence though.

      • have you seen the comments in that article one person says they’re from the right of the party

        • “have you seen the comments in that article one person says they’re from the right of the party”

          No, the suggestion in Rhea’s article is that the early attacks – which were picked up by Guido and led to the antisemitic hatefest – were from the right of the party.

          These attacks, which were petty and idiotic, based as they were on a poor use of words in one sentence of a now deleted article that she wrote ages ago, were seemingly not antisemitic.

          That said, the fact that the right of the party have prioritised having a fit about this article, rather than standing shoulder to shoulder against vile antisemitic attacks on a party comrade, is somewhat telling.

          • But that quote it’s the right of the party being anti Semitic, hasn’t been removed

        • I don’t bother reading the below-article comments on Labour List. They allow fake names, which lends itself to ‘trolling’.

          The site carries interesting articles, but their comments section is a total waste of time

      • @Karl
        “Ms Wolfson says the racist anti-semitic attacks on her have come from a neo-nazi site”
        Yes that is correct.
        The most viewed site is called The Daily Stormer. It is a ***king disgrace. Here is a link to said abuse.

        The above article was published on the 11th May by Andrew Anglin, a man with a serious inferiority complex.

    • It had been picked up by Guido before the racist attacks happened, and Rhea believes that’s what led a neo-Nazi blog to kick off, leading to the the Twitter hate attacks.

      In addition, the MO was completely different to tha “anti-Zionist” idiots and was explicitly neo-Nazi.

      To immediately state that this was members of the Labour party is not only inaccurate, it feeds the narrative of those that would claim that there is no anti-semitism in the party and that it’s all a conspiracy, as well as the Tory narrative that attempts to smear the entire party through the shitty opinions of a tiny minority.

      • But there IS no anti-semitism “problem” in the party, any more than in other walks of life and yes the Blair/Tory narrative IS a shitty smear, which seeks to marginalise support for the Palestinians, never mind for Corbyn too. Which didn’t work anything like as well as they wanted it to. Serves em right!

        • “But there IS no anti-semitism “problem” in the party, any more than in other walks of life”

          Any antisemitism is a problem, both in the party and in other walks of life. This is why I welcome the investigation and suspensions.

          On the other hand, I would agree that I’ve seen no evidence that antisemitism is MORE prevalent in the Labour party than anywhere else. Whether or not the facts support this will hopefully be established by the investigation.

          I would, however, reiterate that ANY antisemitism is a problem, and needs to be rooted out. This does not excuse the disproportionate media and right wing reaction, however.

          • Yeah, fair enough, you are right to say any anti-semitism must be rooted out. When it occurs. Which it hasn’t in any of the comments, ancient and recent, that have resulted in suspensions from the party recently. There is a very real danger that the Blairites, Zionists and their counterparts in the mainstream media (hello, Kuenssberg) will succeed in redefining the word “anti-semitism” altogether. Orwell knew only too well how easy it is to do that sort of thing (Doublespeak) in the mind of the British public.
            Expect the increasing conflation of “anti-Zionism” and “anti-Semitism” by the right and the media and in public understanding of the two terms. Expect also a growing decline in British support for the Palestinian cause and pariah status for any who dissent, unless Jeremy pulls his finger out, stops being so damn consensual (towards MPs who then try and stab him in the back), gets a grip and purges the party of the Blairite scum.
            Sorry to use such an extreme word, but, really, none other will do.

    • The anti-semitic comments were reported on Rhea Wolfson’s Twitter page on May 11th.

      On May 10th, her nomination for the NEC was covered in the Murdoch owned “Sun”; the Russian Oligarch owned “Evening Standard” & “Independent”, the Jerusalem Post and the Jewish Chronicle.

      These are hardly publications that are “part of our movement”.

      So your argument falls flat on its face at the first hurdle.

    • If you read Rhea’s article at LabourList she writes about how she thinks the hostility started after a post at the Guido website. If you look the abuse she has received, it has been from neo-Nazi types.

      • Either way, the fact that she’s been subjected to racist abuse by neo-nazi trolls shouldn’t be used as an argument for voting for her, or simply passing over the question of Ken Livingstone’s supension.

        You vote for people based on their politics and unfortunately, Staines also reported on her 2015 twitter comment, that winning the General election in 2020 “should not be the priority of the Labour Party” .

        That wasn’t too clever.
        Not the sort of thing that will get Labour activists tramping the streets….

        • Rhea should be supported because of her excellent politics, and also because it’s good to bring forward new people.

          Her comment that there are other priorities here and now to be campaigning and fighting on, rather than subordinating everything to electoral opportunism was spot on.

          And the fact that she’s been attacked by cowardly nazi scumbags means we should all show full solidarity with her.

          As for Livingstone – good riddance.

          • I don’t know enough about Rhea (nor others on the slate) to know whether her politics coincides with mine but I still hope she tops the poll a la Walter Wolfgang so that the Party can stick two fingers up at the racists.

    • ” … is reasonable to assume that this filth emanated from people in or around our movement.”

      Oh and you do so hope so don’t you Jim ?

  8. The abuse also comes from one Tony Greenstein who I believe is suspended from the Labour Party.

    He has called her complaints, “pretentious, self serving, martyrdom promoting, precious nonsense. ” – not to mention her “Zionism”.

    The rest of his rants seem like an old man shouting about his glorious War record against the Fash against the claims of uppity youngsters.

    Still at least it’s better than his accusations about some people as ‘Judas Iscariot” which are equally beneath contempt.

    Perhaps those inclined to feel sympathy for Greenstein will take these comments into account.

    • Its not about feeling sympathy for Tony Greenstein. It’s about the Stasi like behaviour of the Compliance Unit. About how Tony Greenstein has not been told the nature of the charges against him. How he hasn’t been told who is accusers are. How he hasn’t had access to the evidence against him. How all this information was nonetheless supplied to the Tory Press.

      In these circumstances it is about feeling sympathy for all of us.

      Ask not for whom the bell tolls.

      • Oh and I almost forgot. It is also about how the running of the Labour Party is about to be put into the hands of Sadiq Khans ” good friend”, the mega fraudster Gerald Ronson, and his scam operation better known as The Community Security Trust. Which is tantamount to handing the Party over to the State of Israel.

        You read it here first.

    • Whatever you may feel about Tony Greenstein’s views, you surely cannot but condemn the suspension process to which he and others are being subjected. It appears to violate the most basic norms of natural justice. That should concern us all. I would not want to be on the receiving end of such a process even if I was confident that I had done nothing wrong and broken no rules.

      I am going to ask for the terms of reference and the rules of procedures of the LP compliance unit through my branch or CLP and I suggest that others do the same. I also want to question that the General Secretary is allowed to refuse membership on any grounds that he sees fit.

        • Having read the link you’ve posted, why does Jeremy Corbyn allow his HQ department to behave in such a manner?

          • Because it has been decided that the Zios will be given everything they want and then it will be all over and we can get back to the socialist project. Eyeroll,

            Jon’s role is to deliver ” the left”

          • Reply to Stephen Bellamy:

            I object to your use of the term ‘zios’. Please don’t use that offensive term.

            It does seem from the link you posted that Labour’s internal processes lacks any kind of fairness or justice and party members should be making urgent representations about it.

            Also, party members should be asking why hasn’t any action been taken against Jess Phillips for the public death threat she made against Jeremy Corbyn?

          • Karl Zio is short for Zionist which is a political attitude/leaning. It is, of course, invariably a pejorative a bit like ” commie”. Are there any other political attitudes/ leanings that, when spoken Pejoratively about, cause you to be upset? How about ” Tory ” ?

          • @Karl
            “I object to your use of the term ‘zios’. Please don’t use that offensive term.”
            Hmmm why do you find it offensive Karl? Are you a Zionist perchance?
            I find the inhumane treatment meted out by Israel and supported by zio’s disgusting. Are you going to cease supporting Israel and the zios to please me?
            Btw I’ve answered your Jess Phillips puzzlement above, hope it lays your worries to rest.

          • Reply to Stephen and Rob.

            The reason I don’t like the phrase is because it’s widely used by anti-semitic neo-nazis. I’m not suggesting either of you are of that type, but can’t you make the same point without recourse to this dodgy terminology?

            On Jess Phillips, I’m still puzzled that you both think her remarks were OK.

            Even according your generous and supportive interpretation of her comments, anyone who made such remarks, publicly, about their boss would, in any other context, face some form of disciplinary action.

            Yet you both think her remarks were OK?

          • Karl your last comment is very timely. The idea of the expression ” Zio ” being a term of racist abuse is a near perfect example of one of the ways Zios, notably CST, increase the amount of anti-Semitism without really trying. That is, by stipulation.

            The idea is only a few months old. It dates from the outbreak of the Oxford Labour Club ” scandal”.

            One of the main allegations made by the JSoc was that people were throwing the expression around. This was picked up on enthusiastically by the anti-Semitism industry which beefed up the idea by throwing in the notion that it was ” widely associated” with the far right. This wide association was pure invention.

            Blissfully unaware of this new stipulation, Rayham Uddin, in his campaign to get elected as General Secretary of LSESU, made use of the expression. The roof came down on him and he ” apologised to the Jewish Community” saying he didn’t know it was ” widely associated with Neo Nazi web sites.”

            Of course he didn’t know. The rest of us didn’t know either, because it it simply is not the case. It may frequently appear on such sites. Not being a frequenter of such places I wouldn’t know. Maybe Jim could tell us.

            But many people have been using the expression for a great many years, and doubtless will continue to do so. Until very recently there has been no claim that its use amounted to an anti-Semitic incident.

            It is obvious that if today its use is an anti-Semitic incident and its use yesterday wasn’t, then, to the extent that its use continues and other things remain equal, there is an increase in anti-Semitism.

            And the CST get to pocket another £13m of public money.

            Now it is being stipulated that the pejorative use of the word Zionist itself be similarly proscribed………

            See how this process works ?

          • @Karl
            Hehe you’re getting spoiled Karl with SB’s take on Zio usage which is very informative and more to the point, accurate.

            “…anti-semitic neo-nazis. I’m not suggesting either of you are…”
            Why on earth would you even think that? The fact that you have, shows the pernicious effect of courting the Zio narrative. Be warned – avoid the Zio claw, it’s grip will strangle your soul.

            “…dodgy terminology?”
            Well that’s up for debate and that is what we’re doing. Has someone told you that Zio is an anti-semitic neo-nazi word? If so why? If you’ve been going on neo nazi sites and seen the word bandied about, then yes you could come to the conclusion that the word ‘Zio’ is nazi specific, but you would be wrong.
            Contrary to the Zio hype, Jew-hating neo nazis are not a threat to Israel. In fact they aid the Zionist narrative.
            The real threat to Israel is mass public exposure of the crimes against humanity it carries out on a daily basis. That is why when the NON-neo nazi, anti-zionists such as Ken Livingstone et al speak out, there is uproar in the Zio camp. They are working overtime to prevent the truth getting out.
            Here’s just one example. Did you hear about this story in the British media, if not why not?
            It’s just 2mins long, watch all the way through please Karl;

            re, Jess Phillips
            “anyone who made such remarks, publicly, about their boss would, in any other context, face some form of disciplinary action.”
            Hmmm not really. Maybe in your world Karl but I’m working class and hard manual labour has earnt my crust for the last 30years, what she said would have been laughed off.
            I understood what she was saying, yes it was a kind of threat but certainly not one of physical violence.
            Take care mate

          • Reply to Rob 12.43pm:

            So you think someone making a point about her own mixed Jewish/African ancestors in the middle of a detailed discussion about the history of slavery is worse than an MP making a death threat against Jeremy Corbyn?

            The reason I ask what seems a daft question is because one of these people was suspended and the other one was praised.

            The difference? The suspended one is on the left and the non-suspended one is on the right.

            Yes, we could swap anecdotes about which of us has done the most manual work, or who’s got more tattoos – (let’s say it’s you for the sake of argument) but the serious point I’m making here is that the right is ruthless in seeking suspensions and expulsions, while the left is soft on this.

            As to yopur question as to whether I’m a ‘zionist’ no I’m not jewish at all and basically non-religious (was baptised as Catholic, but pretty much secular and hardly attend mass).

            But my point there is you should make your argument without using this type of terminology.

          • @Karl
            In your reply Karl, if you’d be kind enough, I’d like you to share your opinion of the 2min video that I posted for you, thanks.

            Ok, you said;
            “So you think someone making a point about her own mixed Jewish/African ancestors in the middle of a detailed discussion about the history of slavery is worse than an MP making a death threat against Jeremy Corbyn?”
            If you read back over my comments you will see that I’ve made no comparison of the two cases. Specifically no mention of Jackie Walker. Though now that you’ve brought it up, I fully support her claims and can give you evidence of her findings. Yep it’s true, Jews were involved in both the East and West slave Trade out of Africa.
            In a nutshell, both women are innocent.

            “The difference? The suspended one is on the left and the non-suspended one is on the right.”
            What do you want me to do about it, I’m a nobody mate.
            Ok you could research Jackies claims and make sure everyone you know hears about the Jewish involvement in the International Slave Trade, I mean it’s a start.
            Maybe you could take a trip to Jess’ constituency and have a chat with her about your grievance, it seems to weigh heavy on your shoulders mate.

            “Yes, we could swap anecdotes about which of us has done the most manual work, or who’s got more tattoos – (let’s say it’s you for the sake of argument)”
            Hey don’t be like that Karl, the reason I told you about my work was to give you an insight into the world I live in, where all kinds of shit is said but it don’t really matter coz what matters is what you can do. If Jess flexes her vocal muscles with a bit of bravado, that’s ok if she can back it up, but if she can’t she’s gonna be the daft lass not you, so don’t worry yourself about it.

            “but the serious point I’m making here is that the right is ruthless in seeking suspensions and expulsions, while the left is soft on this.”
            Yes that’s because the Blairites are in the pockets of the Zionists. Look who came crawling out of the woodwork to show their disdain, yes people like Blair’s manager Baron Michael Abraham Levy. The Blairites are all in the clutches of the Zionists.
            John Mann’s desperate to get into the inner ring, hence his filthy Mein Kampf, Hitler, Nazi verbal ejaculation over Ken. What John doesn’t know is he ain’t ‘good’ enough, he’s merely a flunky chump a bit like Prescott.

            “As to your question as to whether I’m a ‘zionist’ no I’m not jewish at all and basically non-religious (was baptised as Catholic, but pretty much secular and hardly attend mass).”
            Hmmm forgive me Karl, but this paragraph seemed to reveal quite a lot about your whole perception of Zionist issue.
            First, it don’t mean your a Jew if you’re a Zionist. You can be a Jew and an anti-Zionist. Believe it or not but you can be a Christian and a Zionist. In fact there are more Christian Zionists than Jewish Zionists. Did you know that?
            Do some more research Karl, I get the feeling you’re only getting half of the story.
            Haha see no use of the word Zio. 🙂

  9. The abuse also comes from one Tony Greenstein who I believe is suspended from the Labour Party.

    He has called her complaints, “pretentious, self serving, martyrdom promoting, precious nonsense. ” – not to mention her “Zionism”.

    The rest of his rants seem like an old man shouting about his glorious War record against the Fash faced with the claims of uppity youngsters.

    Still at least it’s better than his accusations about some people as ‘Judas Iscariot” which are equally beneath contempt.

    Perhaps those inclined to feel sympathy for Greenstein will take these comments into account.

    • Rhea Wolfson, in her recent “Labourlist” article admits that her 2015 blog “included one clumsy line which has caused me so much grief
      (quote: My belief is that winning 2020 should not be the priority of the Labour Party- endquote)
      “ I accept that this was poorly worded.
      The addition of the word ‘sole’ before ‘priority’ would have cleared up all ambiguity”

      But hey, she’s young, so let’s cut her some slack, neboch…

      Whereas Jackie Walker is suspended for tweeting
      “…many Jews (my ancestors to) were the main financiers of the slave trade”.

      This doesn’t make grammatical, or logical sense and has been seized on by her critics to imply that she was saying “Jews were the main financiers of the slave trade”, which isn’t historically true.

      Nevertheless, she should be defended.
      As the “Labour Briefing” statement says:-
      A picture emerges of a leading pro-Israeli government organization trawling through the social media posts of Labour Party activists to brand ideas anti-Semitic when they are clearly not.

      Nor were Ken Livingstone’s.
      They may have contained historical inaccuracies, but they didn’t mention “Jews”

      They certainly didn’t warrant the loutish, threatening abuse he received from John Mann.

      • Well it is not necessary to mention Jews. None of this nonsense is about racism. It is about singling out The State of Israel, and its extensions and apologists in this country, for impunity.

      • Livingstone, unlike (say) naz Shah, is an experienced and sophisticated politician. he knew exactly what he was saying when he equated Hitler with Zionism, and how sharply offensive to Jews that comparison would be. he did it deliberately. He has form when it comes to jew-baiting, eg: his association with the anti-Semitic WRP in the 1980s, his vicious comments to a Jewish reporter in 2005 and his 2012 remarks to the effect that he didn’t expect jews to vote for him because they’re mostlyu rich: the man is an obvious anti-Semitic disgrace and should never be readmitted to the Party. Naz Shah is an entirely different matter and should be brought back ASAP.

        • Ha don’t destroy Naz. Strip her of every last vestige of self respect including arrange a photo shoot alongside the notorious perjurer Jeremy Newmark. Then make a pet of her.

        • @Jim
          “…he equated Hitler with Zionism,…”
          Er Jim, Livingstone didn’t equate Hitler with Zionism you buffoon. He said Hitler was a small ‘z’ zionist as in the sense that, whatever it took, he wanted the Jews out. He wasn’t bothered where they went as long as it was off German soil.
          Are you trying to suggest that Livingstone was saying that Hitler was some kind of paid up member of the Hovevei Zion? You’re being over sensitive Jim. Don’t you think it a little odd that Zionists never seem to give a shit about anyone else from WW2. Show me any Zionist literature where the focus is on the suffering the British during the war. Nah, you wont find any because the Zionists with their terrorists the Irgun were too busy blowing up the British and other nationalities in the King David Hotel… 91 dead.
          Never mind peace lovin’ Livingstone mentioning Hitler and Zionism in the same sentence, what about snug Zionist terrorists bragging about their crimes. Watch this for 4mins, tell me what you think;

          “…and how sharply offensive to Jews that comparison would be…”
          Hey stop trying to speak for all the Jews. I reckon most Jews are a lot thicker skinned and would not waste their time being ‘offended’. If you’re that sensitive Jim, well…

          “the man is an obvious anti-Semitic disgrace and should never be readmitted to the Party”
          Do you know what Jim, this ain’t the party for you. You need to join the Zionist party. The Labour Party that’s now emerging, will not and is not going to pander to Zionist whims. If you don’t like it you know what to do.

          • You hit on a serious problem here. If all you knew of the Jewish population in this country was what you heard from their self appointed ” leaders” and from the antisemitism industry, you would think they were all a bunch of self pitying, narcissistic cry babies.

          • Rob Bab: It’s my party and I’m staying a member for as long as I have breath left in my body … which is also as long as I’m prepared to fight anti-Semitic scum like you.

          • @Jim
            Steady on Jim, I had a re-read of what I wrote and to be honest it
            was a little harsh. To make up, here’s a something that catches the essence of the last two comments.
            Oh btw I’m not anti-Jewish, I’m anti-Zionist and pro Palestinian.
            Your ridiculous “anti-Semitic scum” accusation is the evidence of a lost argument. I haven’t abused you Jim, so be nice 🙂

        • “…his vicious comments to a Jewish reporter in 2005”… “the man is an obvious anti-Semitic disgrace and should never be readmitted to the Party.”

          In 2005, the reporter Oliver Finegold “door-stepped” Livingstone after a private party, introducing himself as follows:-
          “Mr Livingstone, Evening Standard….”

          Livingstone’s initial comment, likening Finegold to a “German War Criminal”, was in relation to the fact that the “Standard” , which regularly targeted him, was then owned by Associated Newspapers, the owners of the Daily Mail. (notorious for its “Hurrah for the Blackshirts” headline in the 30’s) Finegold only mentioned he was Jewish after this initial exchange.

          The High Court ruled against Livingstone’s suspension, after a complaint that he’d “brought his office into disrepute” had been made against him by the Board of Deputies & CRE

          Nicky Gavron, the deputy mayor, welcomed the court ruling as follows:-
          “The judge has comprehensively rejected the implicit slur of anti-semitism against Ken Livingstone. As his deputy mayor, I have worked with Ken for six and a half years and I can say with complete confidence, as the daughter of a Holocaust survivor, that he does not have an anti-semitic bone in his body.”

          A recent poll of LP members by YouGov found that:-

          * 51 per cent are against expelling Ken Livingstone
          * 27 per cent supporting expulsion.
          * 49 per cent think Labour does not have problem with anti-Semitism and that it has been created by the press and Corbyn’s opponents to attack him.
          * 35 per cent think the party does have a problem with anti-Semitism but it is used by the press and Corbyn’s opponents to attack him.
          * The bulk of Labour members 47 per cent think anti-Semitism is a problem, but no worse than in other parties

    Here I sit with my pen waiting.
    To vote for the Left slate.
    Without hesitating!