Peter Willsman’s report from Labour’s special May executive

NEC Report Pete WNational Executive Committee, 13 May 2015

This special executive was called to consider the arrangements for Labour’s leadership and deputy-leadership elections. The meeting was v ery comradely and there was a serious intent to reach a consensus.

Harriet Harman paid tribute to Ed Miliband for his unstinting commitment to our cause and to his dedicated leadership over five years. These sentiments were echoed all around the table. Everyone regretted that Ed was unable to be present for us to show the depth of our appreciation. Continue reading

Support Katy Clark and Jon Lansman for the Conference Arrangements Committee

Clark & Lansman for CAC v1Although most Labour Party members are now focused mainly on working for a Labour victory in the general election, there are some important internal party elections shortly after 7 May. Since the closing date for nominations in those elections is 10 June and many constituency parties won’t even have a cycle of meetings before that date, many are considering their nominations now and readers of Left Futures need to know who is standing from Labour’s Centre-Left for the positions up for election.

There are three important national committees on which constituency party representatives are up for election: Continue reading

Candidates announced for Labour elections

Centre-Left candidates standing for national Labour Party elections have launched their appeals for nominations today. They are standing for important bodies which have little public visibility but make important decisions behind the scenes. The Conference Arrangements Committee is the body which decides the agenda of party conference, and what may or may not be discussed. Under New Labour, it ensured that nothing got discussed without party managers’ approval. Under its new chair, Harry Donaldson, the GMB’s Scottish Regional Secretary, delegates’ rights are likely to be more respected. The National Constitutional Committee considers disciplinary matters. Continue reading