Hypocrisy of the Tory “workers’ party”: making it impossible to strike

on-strike-sign1Strike action, fox hunting, the BBC, Europe, migrant benefits – never underestimate the Tory capacity to identify things that aren’t problems and then attack them. The number of days lost to strike action is on average less than a tenth of what it was during the 1980s. It’s not even as though strikes are constant – and certainly workers themselves are reluctant to strike because they themselves suffer the most – or have an enormous impact on productivity nowadays. Of far greater impact is the UK’s under-investment in skills, which is something that unions want to work with the government to fix. But the government’s latest proposals will upset the balance between employers and workers, tilting it much too far in employers’ favour and many of the proposals will make it far harder to resolve disputes fairly. Yet good employers know that the best way to resolve problems at work is to sit down with workers and talk it through, trying to find a compromise, rather than using statutory power to ride roughshod over workers’ rights to impose authority by default. Continue reading

Brighton Green council planning strike busting measures

BrightonThe Green party in Brighton & Hove is planning ‘contingency measures’ in an attempt to bust a strike in Brighton by GMB members seeking to defend themselves from cuts in take home pay of up to £4000 a year.

Yesterday GMB wrote to the Green leader of the Council, Jason Kitcat, to warn him that the use of agency labour to replace striking workers is unlawful. We have now confirmed that the Council is moving a number of refuse vehicles ‘off site’ to be crewed by agency workers, and further that the Council is making moves to recruit additional agency resource. Continue reading

Young Labour activists call on MPs to defend the right to strike

The following is a statement signed by Young Labour activists – including London Young Labour chair Hazel Nolan and members of the Young Labour National Committee (see below).

The Crime and Courts bill currently approaching its’ third reading in parliament, contains legislation (clauses 12 and 13) proposing to abolish the right to take industrial action for employees of the proposed National Crime Agency (NSA), replacing the existing Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA).

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