Election result for backbench MP reps on Labour executive

The result of the election of representatives of backbench members of Parliament and MEPs has been announced (though without voting figures). Sitting members Margaret Beckett and Dennis Skinner were returned together with Steve Rotherham, MP for Liverpool Walton and a former Lord Mayor of Liverpool, who replaces Michael Cashman MEP, former Eastenders star and current Chair of the executive, who is standing down.

Steve Rotherham is regarded as centre-left in PLP terms, and voted for Ed Miliband in the leadership election (having cast a first preference for Andy Burnham). Michael Cashman is a Blairite who voted for David Miliband, so this represents yet another shift towards the centre-left on Labour’s national executive.

Margaret Beckett was first elected to the national executive as a parliamentary party backbench representative two years ago, although she had been a member from 1980 – 1992 as a member of the womens’ section (elected by conference) and as deputy leader from 1992 – 1994. Dennis Skinner is the ongest serving member of Labour’s executive by a long way, having represented his fellow backbench MPs on the executive since 1999, and having previously served for twenty years as a constituency party representative.

The unsuccessful candidate in the election was Yasmin Qureshi, MP for Bolton South-East. The Labour party has not released the detailed voting figures.

  1. Not another Labour Party election without details of ballot papers issued, votes cast, spoilt papers and turnout….and now not even votes for each candidate!

    Dunces corner for Miliband and McNicol

  2. I appreciate these articles, especially your extensive run-down on the NEC, and the political balance. Just wondering: why isn’t there any on the various parliamentary selections going on? Beyond a list of names and vague platitudes on their websites, it’s difficult to tell where each candidate actually stands; I had hoped LeftFutures might be able to clear things up!