Labour should sing again

by Duncan Hall.

When I wrote “A Pleasant Change From Politics”: Music and the British Labour Movement Between the Wars over a decade ago, the one thing I spent very little time thinking about was whether there was a strong case for Labour to still be using music today. It seemed obvious that we would be too busy […]

On Luke Akehurst’s charge sheet against Benn

by Duncan Hall.

I was not at all surprised to see an article on Labourlist, by Luke Akehurst, rehashing many of the old arguments about “the damage” that Tony Benn allegedly did to the Labour Party.  Akehurst presented a “charge sheet” against Benn (and, by implication at least, against Bennites). Every point on his “charge sheet” is – […]

Labour can afford to be radical on higher education

by Duncan Hall.

More than three quarters of higher education experts do not believe the current loans system to be sustainable, according to research published in the Times Higher Education Supplement. Within five or ten years there will be yet another significant change in the HE funding model and it is very important that we plan now to […]

Why Labour MPs Should Nominate John McDonnell

by Duncan Hall.

To paraphrase Marx, from the 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, history tends to repeat itself, the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.  In 2007, the Labour Party was left with no debate about its future direction, no discussion about policy, no opportunity for members to exercise their democratic rights. Gordon Brown was […]

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