When I’ve finished writing this blog post, I’ll be heading over to my inbox to send my National Executive Committee votes off for Yasmine Dar, Rachel Garnham and Jon Lansman. For obvious reasons this internal contest has been portrayed as pro-Jez or anti-Jez; you’re either for him or against him. Yet it’s worth remembering this […]
Posts Tagged ‘Party democracy’
Elections to Labour’s national executive: do you want a member-led party or don’t you?
Dec 4th, 2017 by Phil Burton-Cartledge.Splitting the Labour Party
Jul 31st, 2016 by Phil Burton-Cartledge.It was with wry amusement when I read in yesterday’s Telegraph that “senior figures” in the Labour Party (all anonymous, of course) are working through the possibility of usurping the front bench and laying legal claim to the party’s name and assets should Citizen Smith fail in his leadership bid. The paper says that they plan […]
Leftwinger threatened with disciplinary action immediately on joining Labour NEC
Jul 4th, 2016 by Keith Wright.Today’s Morning Star splashes on a disturbing story. It concerns Darren Williams, who was elected to Labour’s national executive committee (NEC) last week upon Ken Livingstone’s resignation from the committee as the next runner up from the last elections (Livingstone is unable to attend meetings due to his suspension, and is no longer a candidate for […]
Don’t blow up the Labour Party
Jun 29th, 2016 by Andy Newman.The Labour Party in opposition needs to present itself as an alternative government, but just as importantly the role of the main opposition party in a parliamentary democracy is to seek to influence the decisions of government, and shape the political debate. Given the potentially economically catastrophic vote to leave the EU last Thursday, an […]
Left take strong lead in election for Labour’s national executive
Jun 26th, 2016 by Jon Lansman.Although the final nominations have not yet been published in the election for constituency representatives on Labour’s national executive, the left moved into a decisive lead this week. Although nominations, most of which have been made by constituency delegates elected prior to the Corbyn surge of last summer, are likely to understate the left’s support in […]
Labour must unite to voice the anger of a working class revolt against political elites
Jun 25th, 2016 by Jon Lansman.Most Labour voters who backed Brexit did so because of the greater insecurity and drop in living standards they have suffered because of the effects of neoliberalism and austerity. It was, as Owen Jones wrote a “working class revolt against the political establishment” achieved through the “furious, alienated working-class votes” cast against “the lack of affordable housing; […]
Labour right seek to curtail council selections and leadership electorate
Apr 11th, 2016 by Newsdesk.Labour First calls itself the voice of Labour’s “moderates” dedicated to keeping the party “safe from the organised hard left, and those who seek to divert us from the work of making life better for ordinary working people and their families.” Yesterday its secretary, Labour national executive candidate Luke Akehurst, announced in a letter to supporters […]
The slow death of the Tory party
Mar 10th, 2016 by Phil Burton-Cartledge.After months of tedious Labour infighting, the moment for its long hoped-for eclipse by Tory party divisions has finally arrived. So-called blue-on-blue action is doing a good job of exposing Tory idiocy on all sides of the referendum debate. Ministers – particularly those on the leave side – are wonderfully showing up their stupidity. And […]
Centralisation versus democracy: Labour’s national executive makes its choice
Jan 26th, 2016 by Jon Lansman.This afternoon, Labour’s national executive (NEC) will discuss under the rather dull heading “NEC Terms of Reference and Committees” an important matter: how much power should lie with its grassroots members. Most NEC members understand that what the rulebook says about the primary purpose of the NEC being to “provide a strategic direction for the party” […]
What Labour now needs is informed debate
Jan 24th, 2016 by David Pavett.Everyone, even people who opposed him, understand that the election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader was a signal of a deep desire for change among Labour members and supporters. I have never agreed with all Jeremy Corbyn’s views but I was pleased to vote for him and, on reflection, I am glad that I […]