When I’ve finished writing this blog post, I’ll be heading over to my inbox to send my National Executive Committee votes off for Yasmine Dar, Rachel Garnham and Jon Lansman. For obvious reasons this internal contest has been portrayed as pro-Jez or anti-Jez; you’re either for him or against him. Yet it’s worth remembering this […]
Posts Tagged ‘NEC’
Elections to Labour’s national executive: do you want a member-led party or don’t you?
Dec 4th, 2017 by Phil Burton-Cartledge.Pete Willsman reports from Labour’s November Executive
Dec 1st, 2017 by Peter Willsman.National Executive Committee Away Day 26 November 2017 This NEC was the annual ‘Away Day’, where ‘blue sky thinking’ is encouraged. This year we held our meeting in Glasgow where we were warmly welcomed by the new leader of the Scottish Labour Party, Richard Leonard and the very enthusiastic Scottish Executive Committee (SEC), and part of […]
Peter Willsman reports from Labour’s November executive
Nov 24th, 2016 by Peter Willsman.National Executive Committee 22 November 2016 (‘Away Day’) After several very tense and fractious set-tos there was clearly an effort made to have a tranquil NEC for a change. There was nothing faintly controversial on the agenda. The whole ‘Away Day’ was reminiscent of one of the Maharishi meditation sessions. Before reporting on the 22nd […]
Keir Starmer calls for single market membership but claims immigration should be “reduced”
Oct 10th, 2016 by Newsdesk.Labour’s new Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer set out the party’s approach to leaving the EU yesterday, stating Labour should seek to keep Britain in the single market but be “open to adjustments” when it comes to freedom of movement. Making his first appearance since being named Labour’s Shadow ‘Brexit’ Secretary, Keir Starmer set out Labour’s plans on […]
Peter Willsman reports from Labour’s September executive
Sep 23rd, 2016 by Peter Willsman.National Executive Committee 20 September 2016 The NEC lasted for some 8 and half hours – the sandwiches and tea had been provided but the staff, due to massive pressure of work at the moment, were unable to organise sleeping bags. Jeremy Corbyn was present from beginning to end. As you will see, in some […]
Peter Willsman reports from Labour’s July executives
Jul 22nd, 2016 by Peter Willsman.National Executive Committee 19 July 2016 This was the scheduled NEC meeting for July (below I cover the Emergency NEC meeting of 12 July). The atmosphere at this meeting was much better than at last week’s Emergency NEC meeting. In part this was due to the fact that Jeremy was present for the whole NEC […]
NEC subcommittee sets freeze date on affiliate votes
Jul 15th, 2016 by James Elliott.Yesterday, the stitch up by the party’s right plunged to new depths, as the NEC procedure subcommittee voted to extend the 6-month membership freeze to affiliates, thereby disenfranchising anyone who has joined a Labour-affiliated union in the past six months – and shutting off one of the left’s best routes to sign up new voters […]
How can I vote for Jeremy Corbyn?
Jul 14th, 2016 by James Elliott.Tuesday’s NEC meeting which ruled Jeremy Corbyn would be on the ballot without needing to seek further nominations also made a string of rule changes to make the contest harder for him. Chief among these are raising the cost of being a ‘registered supporter’ from just £3 to £25, shutting out those who cannot afford to […]
Leftwinger threatened with disciplinary action immediately on joining Labour NEC
Jul 4th, 2016 by Keith Wright.Today’s Morning Star splashes on a disturbing story. It concerns Darren Williams, who was elected to Labour’s national executive committee (NEC) last week upon Ken Livingstone’s resignation from the committee as the next runner up from the last elections (Livingstone is unable to attend meetings due to his suspension, and is no longer a candidate for […]
Momentum can open democratic participation in the political system.
Jul 3rd, 2016 by Rhea Wolfson.Throughout my NEC campaign I have had the great privilege of speaking at Momentum meetings across England. From Southampton to Liverpool I have been so inspired by the inclusive and democratic local groups that have sprung up in such a short space of time. I met countless young people who were enthused by the Jeremy’s […]