Muslims ‘are more patriotic than most British people’

by Lutfur Rahman.

The highly respected, independent think tank Demos, have produced a new report on patriotism. Some of its findings will challenge some widespread opinions. For a starter, they found British Muslims have a greater sense of national pride than the average UK citizen. When asked to agree or disagree with the question ‘I’m proud to be a British citizen’, 83% […]

Campaign for a ‘Living Rent’

by Lutfur Rahman.

With average rents in the private sector now over £1,000 a month, and all tenants except those on the highest wages feeling the pinch, this story about the plight of ordinary Londoner Sharada Osman shines a light on some harsh realities of our city’s housing market.

Gay-Muslim unity against hate in Tower Hamlets

by Lutfur Rahman.

I had the opportunity to speak at the East London Gay Pride event on Saturday. Taking to the stage, I made it clear that our LGBT residents are part and parcel of the Tower Hamlets Community. I talked of how important our togetherness, and our unity in diversity, is in our efforts to remain One Tower Hamlets – a […]

Mayor Rahman urges Home Secretary to ban EDL march

by Lutfur Rahman.

I have just learned that the Acting Metropolitan Police Commissioner has made an application to the Home Secretary to ban all marches in certain areas of London (including Tower Hamlets) for 30 days starting September 2, 2011. I applaud the decision of the Acting Commissioner and I now call upon the Home Secretary to act swiftly […]

Ban the EDL march in Tower Hamlets

by Lutfur Rahman.

On Saturday I initiated an advert in the Guardian newspaper calling on the Home Secretary to ban the English Defence Leagues plan to march in Tower Hamlets on September 3. I did so, in conjunction with community, faith, trade union and business leaders in order to send a loud message; there is no place for hate […]

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