So Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the EU Commission, wants to set up a European army in the face of the threat posed by Moscow. Quite apart from the fact that this would partly duplicate NATO and the suspicion that it is motivated more by the desire to centralise key powers at EU level since in […]
Posts under ‘Russia & former USSR’
The provocation the US felt from Cuba in 1962 is what Russia sees from Ukraine now
Mar 13th, 2015 by Michael Meacher.Putin’s brinkmanship explained
Feb 16th, 2015 by Phil Burton-Cartledge.The guns aren’t entirely silent, but it appears that the ceasefire in East Ukraine is mostly holding. In a conflict that has claimed at least 5,000 lives and threatened to consume even more, the deal struck in Minsk between the Merkel/Hollande-backed Ukrainian government and the pro-Russian rebels assisted by Putin will hopefully hold and the […]
Syriza has interesting allies: Vladimir Putin and Mark Carney
Jan 29th, 2015 by Phil Burton-Cartledge.By their friends shall ye know them? This old adage has got some folks feeling a bit uncomfortable as the new Syriza government apparently cosies up to Mother Russia. This is by no means a new thing. Last year Alexis Tsipras provided Putin’s interventions in Ukraine with some political cover. Interesting friends of Syriza are […]
No UK troops for Nato’s Ukraine war games
May 30th, 2014 by Jon Lansman.Stop the War Coalition are calling for signatures for a petition against the NATO joint exercises with Ukrainian troops within Ukraine which is not a member of NATO, and against British involvement in these exercises. This action is provocative, and makes a political solution to the crisis more difficult to achieve. That is not in […]
Russia’s de-dollarization plan and its implications for the world
May 20th, 2014 by Tom Gill.By Juan Torres. Translated from the Spanish original at El Publico by Tom Gill Although the Western media is barely addressing it, Russia has been discussing in the last few weeks the adoption of a series of economic measures that would involve a significant change in direction and a powerful response to the sanctions and threats […]
The view from inside the head of Vladimir Putin
Apr 15th, 2014 by Phil Burton-Cartledge.You run an authoritarian regime in a vast country beset with economic problems, corruption, and ethnically-based insurgencies. The nation on your doorstep – which formerly used to be an integral part of the multinational state ran from your capital for 70 years – has been intriguing with your long-term opponents in the international arena. Former […]
Today’s Budget and the crisis in Ukraine
Mar 19th, 2014 by Ann Pettifor.This year’s Budget takes place at a time of high international tension. The issue of energy security has once again shot to the top of the political agenda. The crisis in Ukraine demonstrates once again the extent to which Britain is exposed to political and economic risks beyond our control. The fact is Britain’s dependency […]
Western hypocrisy towards Putin is breathtaking
Mar 10th, 2014 by Michael Meacher.Thunderous Western denunciations of Putin’s actions over Ukraine ring hollow in the light of a decade of utterly unprovoked aggression against Iraq, let alone other bloody interventions in Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan (repeated lethal drone strikes killing far more innocent civilians than Taliban), and Afghanistan (13 years of war), none of which was authorised by […]
It’s no time to take heed of the tin-pot generals
Mar 8th, 2014 by Jeremy Corbyn.In Parliament this week, there were a number of tin-pot generals using the opportunity of the Ukrainian crisis to insist that Britain should rapidly and exponentially increase military expenditure. But as with all international crises, it’s important to recognise the history lurking behind the drama. Ukraine’s national borders have ebbed and flowed with the tides […]
The tip-toe invasion of the Ukraine
Mar 5th, 2014 by Dan McCurry.Russia’s recent actions are an example of self-harm no different from a young woman who scratches her own flesh till it bleeds, for no better excuse than it makes her feel good. This from a young person with a difficult background, who has great opportunities before her, if she chose to take that route, but […]