Posts under ‘Ideology’

In Greece, debt means death – they must vote ‘No’

by Max Shanly.

Yesterday’s Guardian revealed a trio of leaked documents from the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, and the European Union that revealed the true extent of Greece’s debt crisis. The documents – written by the tripartite collective commonly known in Greece and now much of the world as the troika – revealed that the […]

The Eurozone should respect Greek sovereignty

by Michael Meacher.

The bullying by Greece’s creditors continues. The latest ploy is to try, unilaterally, to interfere in Greece’s internal politics by re-defining the terms and purpose of Sunday’s referendum. It is patently clear that Tsipras called the referendum to ask the Greek people whether they accepted the latest bailout terms laid down by the creditors, yet […]

Labour must not lose its soul to pragmatism

by Rhea Wolfson.

This week I felt an immense wave of joy and solidarity with our American comrades and the judgment they have just been handed by the US Supreme Court to recognise all marriages as having equal value. It is a beautiful and poignant moment for so many reasons but the one that sticks out for me is the […]

The Labour leadership candidates should turn to Barbara Castle

by Calum Sherwood.

As the Labour leadership election picks up pace, and some of the dividing lines between the candidates are beginning to emerge, I feel that it is becoming increasingly necessary for the some of the so-called frontrunners to revisit the career of Barbara Castle. One of the most esteemed figures from Labour’s history, Castle proved that […]

Why Martin Kettle’s one dimensional analysis does the Tories’ work for them

by Bryan Gould.

Martin Kettle, in today’s Guardian, joins the ranks of those no doubt well-intentioned observers whose advice to the Labour party, as it chooses a new leader, seems to be based on a curiously limited and one-dimensional view of the political landscape. In this view, there are only two possible directions of travel and therefore just […]

A Lab-Lib Dem merger? A very, very bad idea

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

One question that comes up time and again from punters on the doorstep to far left activists is “why can’t you all just unite?” (although, ironically, Left Unity has ruled out unity with the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition for next year’s London Assembly elections). Of course, there are Very Important Reasons why myriad groups in the revolutionary […]

The NHS may yet sink the Tories

by Michael Meacher.

The NHS is deteriorating fast, faster and more seriously than many of the public yet realise. Nearly half a million patients waited more than 4 hours in A&E for treatment, referral or discharge in the last quarter of 2014, half as many again as in the previous quarter and the worst performance for over a […]

The Labour left: why we must stay

by Ben Sellers.

When I read Michael Chessum’s piece in the New Statesman, I felt the immediate need to respond. Not because I was outraged, but because I think he has hit on a crucial debate about where the Labour left have been and where we go next. I’m sure that virtually every socialist in the party has […]

Labour is at a crossroads – socialism or austerity?

by Peter Rowlands.

Labour must understand why it did so badly in the election, as it is unlikely to be able to mount a successful campaign in the future if it doesn’t. Much has been written already, although we await a full analysis in terms of voting patterns and movement by age, class, gender etc., but from what […]

Dear Liz Kendall, about the differences between socialism and liberalism…

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

Dear Liz, Re: Leadership of the Labour Party I noted the other day that leadership contests are that rare occasion when MPs and ordinary members are frank about the personalities and policies at the top of the party. Some also over egg the pudding and go for outright abuse. I’m thinking mainly, this time around, […]

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