Posts under ‘Migration/Immigration’

Emily Thornberry’s tweet – double standards at play?

by Mike Phipps.

Am I the only person who thinks that the reaction to the picture of a house in Rochester decked with St George flags tweeted by Labour MP Emily Thornberrry might be a tiny bit over the top? Anne Perkins in The Guardian described it as “stupendous, crass, insensitivity” adding, “It may be the most devastating […]

Migrants pay in £20bn more than they take out

by Michael Meacher.

Migrants from the EU have a lower rate of unemployment than the UK-born population, according to an analysis of 2011 census data just published by ONS. They also make a net contribution to the British economy whilst the UK-born population involve a net cost to the economy. This is a stunning conclusion when the prevailing […]

Race to the bottom on immigration won’t work

by Michael Meacher.

The Tory programme on immigration is set to get the worst of all worlds, with disastrous consequences for Britain over the EU. The Tories now want to restrict benefits to immigrants and to make citizens from future EU member countries wait longer before they are allowed to work in Britain. Now Cameron is going further […]

EU set to ignore migrants plight

by Jeremy Corbyn.

Sometimes humanity is in short supply. News has eventually filtered out that in the past 10 months 3,300 people have died while trying to cross the Mediterranean to Malta or Italy. The news only emerged when the Italian government said it was downgrading Operation Mare Nostrum, its very effective sea rescue operation which has helped to […]

Labour should make inhumanity of Tories a key electoral issue

by Michael Meacher.

The Tory government’s decision to withdraw from the search and rescue missions in the Mediterranean where tens of thousands of refugees are fleeing their war-savaged homelands is an act of pitiless inhumanity. Already this year alone some 25,000 people have arrived in Italy, and similar numbers from Eritrea, with thousands more from Iraq, Nigeria and […]

Non-deportation of foreign prisoners shows huge incompetence of Theresa May

by Michael Meacher.

John Reid was right: the Home Office was “not fit for purpose”. We’ve now learnt it still isn’t. The NAO report into the huge Home Office muddle over deportation of foreign criminals is a textbook of persisting ineptitude which points the finger directly at the Home Secretary, Theresa May. It’s not as though she wasn’t […]

Labour needs to make an offer to working class voters, not a shift to the right

by Diane Abbott.

In the wake of the Clacton and Heywood & Middleton by-election results, the inhabitants of the Westminster bubble are plunging into a frenzy of speculation. In particular, they are revelling in making each other’s flesh crawl with hysteria about the UKIP menace. Within the Labour Party the cry is to “respond” to UKIP by moving […]

A Tory minister’s revenge operation?

by Mike Phipps.

Mark Harper, the Immigration minister notorious for the racist “In the UK illegally? Go home or face arrest” vans who left the Government in February, is back in office. After just six months on the back benches, he returns to the Coalition as Minister of State at the DWP. He resigned from the government earlier […]

Economics and the debate on immigration

by Michael Burke.

The now notorious UKIP poster which suggested the entire population of the EU might come to Britain for work is designed to whip up racism. But it contains two fallacies that are unfortunately shared by many people who are not racists, and are therefore worth rebutting. Myth 1 The first myth is that Britain is […]

Anti-immigrant rhetoric will only alienate young voters

by John Percival.

In his first conference speech as party leader, Ed Miliband spoke of a “new generation” not bound by the fear or the ghosts of the past. When it comes to immigration,  younger people are much more likely to welcome the benefits and opportunities provided by freedom of movement than those from older generations. Polling from […]

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