Posts Tagged ‘AV’

Clegg could sink AV, but too many Tories support the Coalition to be sure

by Jon Lansman.

Ed Miliband is dead right not to share a platform with Clegg on AV — but it has nothing to do with the pros and cons of AV.  Clegg is simply despised by most Labour voters and it wouldn’t do Ed any good with them, some of whom are not yet too sure about him. […]

AV could bring long-term Tory-led coalition

by Jon Lansman.

The suggestion by Andrew Grice in the Independent this morning that David Cameron might be planning to assist the Lib-Dems over electoral reform — just as he did in the Oldham East & Saddleworth by-election — changes the whole nature of the AV referendum debate. Many of those Labour MPs who have backed AV see […]

Polls confirm: AV will help Coalition parties, not Labour

by Jon Lansman.

Whilst the latest YouGov poll, in line with almost all other recent polls, shows Labour just ahead of the Tories (41% to 40%), with the LibDems trailing badly (at 7%), the most worrying news is about AV. In their recent polls, the remaining Liberal Democrat supporters say they would prefer a Conservative government to a Labour […]

All to play for in the AV campaign…..

by Darrell Goodliffe.

Depending on which opinion poll you happen to believe either the No or Yes to AV campaigns are in the lead at the moment. Although criticisms of the YouGov poll (which gave the No campaign the lead) about the nature of the question, which probably did bias Labour supporters against AV, are probably valid that […]

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