Posts Tagged ‘Basic Income’

Why the objectors to a citizens income are wrong

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

The first rule of polemic is if you’re going to argue against someone’s position, at least do it in an intellectually honest fashion. Falling short of this is Sally Gimson’s piece on Progress. Sally attacks the Citizen’s Income on the grounds that because Charles Murray, author of the notorious and reviled The Bell Curve, and […]

Why Labour should adopt ‘citizen’s income’

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

I’m all for nicking good policies, and one Labour and the labour movement should half-inch is the citizen’s income from the Green Party. Of course, the Greens don’t own it, it has been knocking about for a good many years. But they are the only ones pushing it as a key plank of their commitments. […]

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