Posts Tagged ‘Better Together’

Miliband and Murphy must apologise for ‘Better Together’

by Jon Lansman.

It is clearer this morning than it has ever been. Lord Ashworth’s polls leave us in no doubt that the threat to Labour from the SNP that has been forecast by other polls is very real. If Labour loses this election, it will have lost it primarily in Scotland. Douglas Alexander and Margaret Curran stand […]

Cameron is locked into body-swerve mode on Scottish independence

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

Back in the noughties, there was a Stoke-on-Trent councillor who faced a very strong challenge from the BNP for his seat. The fascists threw the kitchen sink at it, and Labour countered by ensuring they went door-to-door. It was touch-and-go but in the end the BNP did not win and the incumbent clung on. The […]

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