Posts Tagged ‘Bradley Manning’

I am Bradley Manning

by Newsdesk.

I am Bradley Manning. Because I believe the public deserves the truth and whistleblowers deserve a fair trial. 1161 days of unjust confinement is enough! Drop the “aiding the enemy” charge Amidst courtroom secrecy, whistleblower and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Bradley Manning is on trial after three years of confinement. The information that Bradley gave to the public has […]

The demonisation of Bradley Manning shows need to protect whisteblowers

by Michael Meacher.

When Bradley Manning comes to trial on 4 February 2013, he will have been held in prison for over 2.5 years without trial. For up to 983 days detention he will not have been confronted with any of the evidence used to charge him. He is held responsible for a number of revelations published by Wikileaks […]

The Government must stake up the case of Bradley Manning

by Jon Lansman.

Now that the Guardian has revealed that Bradley Manning, the US soldier suspected of having passed US secrets to WikiLeaks, is a UK citizen by descent from his Welsh mother, it is imperative that the British government be urged to take up his case as it (eventually) did not only with British citizens but also other […]

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