Posts Tagged ‘Brendan Barber’

Frances O’Grady, first woman General Secretary of the TUC

by Jon Lansman.

Frances O’Grady is to take over from Brendan Barber as TUC General Secretary when he retires at the end of the year. Ms O’Grady has been at the TUC as Deputy General Secretary for nine years and in other capacities for another nine, before which she worked as a researcher and campaigner on social justice and […]

Support UK Uncut and those arrested at Fortnum & Mason – “non-violent and sensible,” innocent and victimised

by Jon Lansman.

In a few short months, UK Uncut has reshaped public opinion on tax avoidance. Its peaceful actions, light-hearted and engaging people never previously involved in political activity, have left corporate Britain running scared, forced the Treasury to run training sessions in response and thrown the right-wing anti-tax Tax Payers Alliance onto the defensive. In a […]

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