The cynicism that lies behind the Socialist Party claim to want a merger with Labour

Dave Nellist of TUSCI read with interest that the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) have decided to stand aside at a February council by-election in the Lower Stoke ward of Coventry. According to the Cov Telegraph, TUSC are seeking talks with Jeremy Corbyn about a merger between TUSC and Labour, and an alliance to fight the next round of local government cuts the Tories are due to impose on councils. Speaking for TUSC, Dave Nellist (who else?) said:

Unfortunately TUSC hasn’t yet had the opportunity to sit down with Jeremy to discuss what he can do to get Labour councillors, in Coventry and elsewhere, to refuse to implement Tory cuts … So, on this occasion, the Socialist Party (SP) has agreed not to stand a candidate, so that there is no artificial obstacle to having that discussion with Jeremy and his supporters …”

Dave goes on to say that TUSC are happy to have conversations with Jeremy supporters “serious about fighting the cuts.” But if nothing is forthcoming, “any politician who votes for cuts cannot expect to have a free run at the ballot box, no matter what party label they wear.” Continue reading