Posts Tagged ‘Egypt’

Intervention in Syria, inaction on Egypt speaks volumes about US-UK interests

by Michael Meacher.

The war-drums of Western intervention are beating ever louder against Assad, propelled by the 1,400 or more killed by the Syrian military’s chemical weapons attack in Damascus this week, in addition to perhaps 90,000 already killed in a vicious and seemingly endless civil war.

Egypt’s day of terror

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

Egypt’s day of terror has been brewing for a long time. 18 months ago, Mubarak’s regime suffered a mortal body blow on Egypt’s Day of Rage as millions poured onto the streets. Approximately two weeks later Mubarak had been swept from power by an alliance of convenience of ancien regime’s opponents, and a military presenting itself as a neutral […]

Egypt – why Morsi fell

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

Oh, hello again Mr ElBaradei. It’s been well over two years since I last wrote about Egypt. Since then, there’s been a lot of changes. But in a rather peculiar way, things are the same again. A heavy-handed and out-of-touch presidency is toppled by a de facto alliance of a millions-strong insurgency and the military, and once […]

The epicentre of the Arab spring isn’t Libya or Syria; it’s Palestine

by Michael Meacher.

Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, Syria, rumblings in Morocco and Algeria (and eventually Saudi?) even spreading south into sub-Saharan Africa such as Uganda, but the centre of this upturning of the old despotic order is Palestine. The tectonic shift in the latter has been little noticed, but is more momentous than any of the others. Palestine for […]

Revolution and the rise of Al Jazeera

by Mark Seddon.

Perhaps it was unintended, but two or three weeks ago, at the height of the protests that were gripping the great cities of Egypt, the director general of the BBC, Mark Thompson, appeared on the channel’s flagship current affairs programme, Newsnight, in London as part of a debate on the future of newsgathering, and mentioned […]

Blair, Arab despots, and the ethical dimension of Britain’s foreign policy

by Jon Lansman.

It’s too easy to sneer at those photos of Blair and Gaddafi. It was far better to shake the hand of a despot than to bomb thousands of his country’s innocent inhabitants (though the credit for the rapprochement between Britain and Libya in the wake of the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 probably belongs […]

An age of revolt – in an age without a left

by Owen Jones.

I remember the exact moment when I realised that I was living in a different era from the politically tranquil times I grew up in. It was in a lecture theatre at University College London, a week or so after the 52,000-strong student march. An impromptu ‘what next?’ meeting had been called, and the room […]

Freeze Mubarak’s assets and send him to The Hague

by Max Lansman.

The energy from the celebrations in Egypt is infectious. Images of complete strangers embracing in the street like they were family, awash in chants of victory and tears of freedom. But alongside the euphoria is the knowledge that much of the long road to liberation still lies ahead. This is only the beginning. The Guardian […]

Palestine and the Egyptian revolution, as seen from the Israeli bunker

by Uri Avnery.

We are in the middle of a geological event. An earthquake of epoch-making dimensions is changing the landscape of the Middle East. Mountains turn into valleys, islands emerge from the sea, volcanoes cover the land with lava. People are afraid of change. When it happens, they tend to deny, ignore, pretend that nothing really important is […]

Time to turn the screws on Israel for the sake of its own survival

by Mark Seddon.

Watching a succession of Western leaders, including Chancellor Merkel of German and Prime Minister Cameron of Britain speaking at the annual Munich Security Conference on Saturday, I was struck by the huge importance they attached to the fast moving events in Egypt, and the wider Arab World. It was almost as though the enormity of what […]

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