Posts Tagged ‘Eurocrisis’

Spain in 2014: Not a Prosperous New Year

by Tom Gill.

Translated by Tom Gill from the original by Esther Vivas We have entered 2014 a little poorer. For those of us with a job, our salaries have been frozen, or even cut; only a few can expect a rise in the New Year.  Furthermore, the price of electricity, public transport and water are increasing. 2013 […]

Alexis Tsipras’ speech in London

by Newsdesk.

On Friday the 15th of March Alexis Tsipras, leader of the opposition in the Greek Parliament and leader of the Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA), made a speech to a packed Friends’ Meeting House in London regarding the austerity programme in his country and the resistance against it. The text of his speech is […]

European Central Bank defeats Germany, but can’t save euro

by Michael Meacher.

Draghi has finally won his battle with the Bundesbank to prevent the likes of Italy and Spain being bankrupted or driven out of the euro by winning the power at yesterday’s ECB meeting to buy up their bonds in unlimited amounts. That’s what the markets have been waiting for for ages. But there is a […]

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