Posts Tagged ‘European Union’

What Chuka Umunna’s amendment showed us

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

“We will scrap the Conservatives’ Brexit White Paper and replace it with fresh negotiating priorities that have a strong emphasis on retaining the benefits of the Single Market and the Customs Union – which are essential for maintaining industries, jobs and businesses in Britain. Labour will always put jobs and the economy first.” There you […]

The Tories must not be allowed to dismantle the Human Rights Act

by Michael Meacher.

The Tories, helped by their lickspittle Tory tabloids, are building up a huge wave of hysteria not only against Romanian and Bulgarian immigramts, but also against the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the Human Rights Act which it brought into UK law. They quote the large number of human rights cases taken to […]

The current Tory hysterics over Europe have tarnished the real role of referenda

by Michael Meacher.

There are two kinds of referenda – those that are for the benefit of the political class and those that are for the benefit of the public. They are quite different. When referenda are mooted, it is invariably the former kind. Political leaders only consent to holding a referendum when they are almost certain to win […]

EU Health Regulations – improving patients’ rights or more NHS privatisation in disguise?

by Lucy Anderson.

It is appalling that the recent NHS privatisation regulations have now been passed, despite a broad-based and vigorous campaign against them. The Regulations, made under Section 75 of the 2012 Health and Social Care Act, essentially require all NHS services to be put out to competition unless there is only one provider capable of delivering them. […]

The Tories’ cynical opportunism on the EU

by Dominic Curran.

The Tories are ploughing ahead with their plans for a referendum on EU membership. Having been strong-armed by his right wing backbenchers and the rise of UKIP, Cameron is proposing he renegotiates what he calls a “better deal” for Britain in Europe and then puts it to a referendum. Up to now the debate on […]

Ed Miliband’s brave decisions: Europe is the latest

by Michael Meacher.

Ed Miliband is constantly under-estimated. He is not as charismatic as Blair, but he is principled in a way that Blair was not, and in politics that is priceless. He is also brave while Blair was not. Blair opted to define himself by taking on his own party and by deferentially siding with those with […]

EU: when is Labour going to campaign in favour?

by Michael Meacher.

Europe is once again turning into a graveyeard for the Tories. They must be insane gratuitously to be stirring up opposition even within their own ranks over prolonged austerity, gay marriage and the EU. Labour is having a field day watching all this from the sidelines, but simply relying on your opponent’s mistakes is no way to […]

If Labour’s for the EU, it should make the case for it

by Michael Meacher.

As the momentum grows for a referendum on the EU as a prelude for Britain leaving, it’s almost as though the argument was entirely one within the Tory party and that other parties were uninterested or irrelevant. If the Labour party believes in the EU, warts and all, as a majority do, then at some […]

Economists launch alternative European rescue plan

by Tom Gill.

A new European Progressive Economists Network has launched a radical plan to rescue the Continent from austerity and the terror of finance with a democratic and green model of development that brings the banks under social control and promotes public services. The network includes Belgium’s Econosphères, Spain’s Econonuestra, France’s Economistes Atterrés and Italy’s Sbilanciamoci! and a number of multi-national […]

Italy’s splintered radicals unite to fight for labour rights

by Tom Gill.

Ever since the dissolution some two decades ago of the Italian Communist Party, once western Europe’s largest, Italy’s radical left has been splintered and weak. Today you have two communist parties (Communist Refoundation and the Party of Italian Communists) a green-radical left party (Left Ecology Freedom party, headed by the Governor of Puglia, Nichi Vendola) and […]

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