Posts Tagged ‘GDP’

Britain isn’t booming – it’s in a crisis

by Tom O Leary.

The latest UK GDP data confirm that the British economy remains in a crisis. As government spokespersons never tire of telling us the opposite, and are dutifully echoed by the majority of the media, then it is important to set out the factual case on the economy and to explain where the discrepancy between rhetoric […]

Marx was right all along, says investment bank

by Michael Burke.

Well, not quite. But a recent study by leading investment bank Credit Suisse shows that long-term growth rates of GDP in selected industrialised economies are negatively correlated with financial returns to shareholders. That is, the best returns for shareholders are from countries where GDP growth has been slowest, and vice versa. Where growth has been […]

‘The worst of recession is over’? That will come back to haunt Cameron

by Michael Meacher.

Where did we hear it before? ‘I detect the green shoots of growth’ (Norman Lamont as the economy plunged again) and ‘We’ve ended boom and bust’ (Gordon Brown just before the biggest financial crash for a century). Equally Cameron’s ‘worst of the recession is over’ is a foolish hostage to fortune which he will come […]

Tories will have to U-turn as usual: but where to?

by Michael Meacher.

As the Tory conference gets under way, one has in all fairness to acknowledge that all governments are occasionally forced to change tack, but this government has turned it into an art form. After a whole series of dizzying about-turns – at least 15 on my count – there aren’t too many exits left, and […]

Put growth and jobs first

by Jon Lansman.

Ed Balls lost no time in attacking the government when the latest figures emerged showing a contraction of the economy in the last quarter, urging them to “urgently re-think their reckless plan to cut the deficit too far and too fast and start putting growth and jobs first.” Osborne’s reaction, however, is “we’re not going […]

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