Posts Tagged ‘Grant Shapps’

Osborne & Shapps: “screw the nation & say we’re the Workers’ party”

by Michael Meacher.

One has to give it to the Tories, what they lack in even basic humanity and concern they make up for in sheer gall. For Shapps, the brash hard-nosed in-your-face Tory chairman, to declare that the Tories are now the Workers’ party is so preposterous and silly that one marvels they have the nerve to […]

Raquel Rolnik has hit the government on a sore point, and it really shows

by Michael Meacher.

I must start with a confession. I really don’t like Grant Shapps who for some reason is the Tory party chair. He comes across as a haughty up-market barrow boy who’d tread on his mother’s face if he thought it would advance his career or turn in a bigger profit. You know what I mean […]

How Grant Shapps is ‘tackling homelessness’

by David Osler.

‘Tackling homelessness and rough sleeping is what first got me into politics,’ Conservative housing minister Grant Shapps emphasised in a Department of Communities and Local Government press release just over a week ago. I’m glad to hear it, and it is obviously not for me to doubt the sincerity of a man who famously once spent Christmas […]

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