Posts Tagged ‘Identity’

The double edge of British values

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

I think there is evidence sufficient to justify an inquiry into the alleged infiltration of several Birmingham schools. It might be The Telegraph, but Andrew Gilligan makes a compelling case. All that matters now is that investigations proceed in due course. It is entirely unhelpful and downright opportunist for various papers and the Tories to scrabble […]

Muslims ‘are more patriotic than most British people’

by Lutfur Rahman.

The highly respected, independent think tank Demos, have produced a new report on patriotism. Some of its findings will challenge some widespread opinions. For a starter, they found British Muslims have a greater sense of national pride than the average UK citizen. When asked to agree or disagree with the question ‘I’m proud to be a British citizen’, 83% […]

Britain could be a model unhappy family

by Owen Jones.

Like so many others, the history of my family straddles the nations of mainland Britain. My father’s north Wales relatives have been Welsh-speaking nationalists for generations. And yet my grandfather was a hero in his village when he joined Britain’s merchant navy at the peak of the empire. A proud Welsh identity meant something very different […]

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