Posts Tagged ‘Kezia Dugdale’

Jez there can be a Corbynite Labour Party in Scotland

by Cailean Gallagher.

Since the leadership election, Jeremy Corbyn has made it his priority to turn Labour into a democratic socialist party with the support of social movements. To this end, British-wide meetings have been organised by groups such as the Labour Campaign for Free Education, whose party guide for newcomers is in circulation. But socialists are also […]

Corbyn’s campaign helps, but Scottish Labour’s solutions have to be home grown

by Dave Watson.

Congratulations to Kez Dugdale and Alex Rowley on winning the Scottish Labour leadership elections. The challenges haven’t gone away, but this is the right leadership team to start rebuilding Scottish Labour. The Scottish Labour leadership elections drifted to a conclusion, somewhat under the radar as Corbynmania dominates the political scene. There were no huge ideological […]

The tent that couldn’t stand up – a reply to Kezia Dugdale

by Alistair Craig and Ewan Gibbs.

“We need a big tent plan, not a core vote strategy, to win again in Scotland.”-Kezia Dugdale, 7th July 2015 That foremost authority on Scottish Labour politics, Antonio Gramsci, once gasped, “The old world is dying away, and the new world struggles to come forth: now is the time of monsters.” Scottish Labour has now […]

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